Chapter 9

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A/N: Song for this chapter is  Stay With Me by Sam Smith. Enjoy

We were finally back home. I slept most of my time in the hospital. They kept me for an extra week but I would gain strength and get better as each day passed. Leo never left my side once. They kept me on strong antibiotics and added an immune booster to my meds to boost my immune system. I would start chemo again in a week and a half. Though the last round decreased my numbers my cancer was still there and was still increasing. I walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. Sarah was calling a pizza in for dinner. Leo came in and quietly closed the door. I need to talk to you I wanted you to be better first,he said. What is it,I asked looking at him. I don't think you should continue going to school do it from home I will to if you want,if you do you need to wear your mask,he said. What if I want to go to school and don't want to wear the mask I will go anyway it's my free will you cannot prevent me from doing it,I said looking at my hands and the floor. Look at me,he said I could hear the tears that weren't there before in his voice he was crying I could guess. I looked up and was correct,the tears were running down his cheeks. I almost lost you last week,I thought I did,I almost died then too I cannot live without you and I do not want to lose you and if you get sick like that again it could kill you-----he took in a shaky breath and looked up at the ceiling letting it out then returned his gaze to me-----it almost killed you,I love you,do you not care if it kills you this next time,do you want to die,do you want to leave me,he asked. I know I don't want to lose you either,I cannot live without you in my life and I love you more than you'd ever know,I care that it might kill me this time,I don't want to die,I don't want to lose you,I said starting to cry. Will you listen to me then and either wear your mask or school from home,he said. I nodded. Come here,he said and wrapped me in his arms as I let out sob after sob,shaky breath after shaky breath. We hugged for a long time and finally stopped crying. Leo went outside for some reason. The pizza finally arrived. We grabbed our servings and Leo led me outside. We sat in the grass on a blanket my cannula resting on the ground beside me. We ate after we finished we sat out there looking at the stars. Will you promise me something,he asked breaking the silence. I watched lightning bugs flying around and then looked at him. Of course,I said. Promise me that no matter what you will not leave me,that you will fight this for me,he said. I promise,I said looking into his eyes. The next thing I knew he leaned in and we shared a kiss. It was one of those long and amazing kisses that you never wanted to break. We held hands and eventually went inside when it started getting colder. I was glad to be home again. He cut the television on and was sitting on the couch. I came over to him and sat next to him,curled myself up and leaned against him. Later that night I went to bed. The next morning Leo gently shook me awake for us to go back to school. I got ready silently and ate my breakfast. I ran my fingers through my pageboy hair. I rolled my cannula with me and sat at the table where Leo had sat waffles with powdered sugar and blueberries. I ate and he drove me to school. Tomorrow morning I would most likely have to ride the bus cause the Jeep was getting inspected. I will be going home here soon for a few days to visit with my brother and parents. I climbed in the jeep with my book bag and my cannula at my feet. I seat belted myself in. He drove and we walked in together. I have a mask in my bag must I wear it. Our agreement was if I was near one person who sneezes or coughs then I slide the mask on. It was the only way I was aloud to come to school. I went to my morning classes catching up and informing my teachers why I missed and didn't get work done. I went to lunch but I wasn't hungry. Leo came in later cause of band. When he sat next to me all I had was my bottle of water because I had to take my meds which I had already taken when he arrived. Did you eat he asked. Yes I already finished I lied. I hated to lie to him but I was aggressively not hungry. I left at the end of lunch and we went our separate ways. I was on my way to orchestra when I felt faint. The world spun and I grabbed onto the wall leaning. Once it passed I thought I was fine and kept walking. It started spinning faster and I fell. I felt the air go out in a whoosh. I felt something strain in my knee it hurt so bad. Then everything was a calm nothingness black. I woke again and everything was blurry. I closed my eyes again. I was hoping someone would find me and tell Leo because I didn't want to go back to the hospital.  I remembered falling on the floor and then blackness. I opened my eyes a few seconds seeing blurry footsteps running closer. I closed them again. A swaying feeling. He carried me. When I opened them again I was in his arms and I saw a concerned look on his face I tried saying his name but he said to rest so I did. When I woke again I was at home in bed. I had a low blood pressure from skipping lunch which made me pass out. I need to wear a bulky knee brace because I twisted my knee when I fell and almost tore a muscle in my knee.

I was on my way to my last class of the day when I saw something laying on the ground. I walked a bit closer. It was down the stair on the ramp a few hallways from the orchestra room. It looked like April. April,I yelled out as a question. She looked unconscious I was sure it was her cause there were two bags laying next to the crumpled figure. A cannula and a bag. I started to run. She opened her eyes and then they closed again as I got closer. I picked her up and slid her bag and cannula on top of my back. She opened her eyes again while she was in my arms we were almost to the door to leave. I gave her a concerned look and she tried to mumble my name. Rest,I said and she did she closed her eyes. I laid her in the backseat of my jeep our bags on the floor. Mom heard the jeep and looked out the open door. I climbed out and ran to her side to get her out. Open the door, I yelled. I left our bags in the car and grabbed her and her cannula. I went running her into the house. I laid her in bed and covered her up. Mom checked her out. She apparently didn't eat lunch. She lied about it her blood pressure was so low she passed out. She looked at April's slightly swollen knee. She twisted it,she's gonna need a brace she's lucky she didn't tear her muscle she was close to it,mom said. She'll be okay she should wake soon,she added. Mom went and got the knee brace for April. She came back an hour later and I put it on her. She was going to hate it I know already. She soon after opened her eyes. Why'd you skip lunch and lie to me,I asked her. I couldn't eat I wasn't hungry I felt sick,she said. Well you passed out from low blood pressure,what were you thinking,you almost tore a muscle in your knee,I said and pointed to the knee brace. This is why I didn't want you going to school,I said. I'm going,she said coughing a couple times and sat up carefully so she could breathe easier.

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