Chapter 28

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A/N: Hey guys,sorry I haven't been able to update a lot recently school is a lot to handle I've had a lot going on and I'm super busy but I'm trying to write during free time or on weekends it takes a while for inspiration and ideas to hit. Thank all of you for reading I'm thankful for each and everyone of you. Happy thanksgiving. I also do not think I will be adding too many more songs because I don't have too many new ones that seem to go along. If I do though I promise to add them. Thanks again. Enjoy.

I finally woke again on Friday afternoon. It was just after 1 when I finally opened my eyes. I took a deep breath and realized the mask was gone and in its place were nubbins. Good that means I'm getting better,right? I moved my hand and looked over I realized he was gone. Then I remembered he probably had to go to school and since I was unconscious he probably didn't want to but was convinced it'd be okay. I didn't bother to call in a nurse because I was okay. Instead I pulled my phone off the little table in front of me. That's when I noticed the flowers that weren't there when the appendicitis hit the first time. It had a card with it too. I touched the ring knowing somewhere inside me that they were from Leo. I carefully adjusted my bed elevation just a little so I wasn't so flat. But it wasn't so high that I would tear my stitches that weren't supposed to come out for a few more days yet. I opened the card. Inside it read,"Dear April,where do I begin. I wanted to do something special for you and of course I know we still have our trip to Florida I planned for your birthday that we need to go on and we will as soon as you're well enough to travel and the doctors say it's safe. I love you more than the world stars and moon itself. You are special and are my joy in everyday. You are the only reason I look forward to getting up in the morning. I don't care if you tell me I'm not supposed to love you and you want me to stop loving you and go away because you're sick. I'm not going to listen I love you and cannot and will not ever stop loving you. I won't go away either I don't want you to battle this alone and I certainly won't go away just because you're sick and we may have to do things a little faster than other people. I'm okay with that. You are the love of my life and my soulmate and I'm not sure how I'd manage without you in my life. I love you so much more than life itself. I'll always be here. Love Leo." I secretly smiled to myself as my eyes welled with tears. He had added some photos of us on the back of the card some even were before I got sick. Some were after. The flowers were gorgeous. They were my favorite of course. White roses with other flowers mixed in. I couldn't remember all the names right then I was in such shock. I looked down at the promise ring on my finger and smiled knowing that he was serious. I pulled out my phone he would just be in band right now. I called and when it went to voicemail I began to talk. Hey you,I absolutely love them it was a great surprise to wake up too. I just woke up don't rush come after school like normal I'm okay,I love you so so so very much and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I will always be with you to annoy you for a very long time,okay I love you bye,I said. I just sat there for a minute staring at my black phone screen. Kate was walking by when she looked in and noticed I was conscious. Hey April how are you feeling,she asked. I'm feeling okay,I said breaking away from staring at my phone in what was silence. That's good the doctor should be around later and Leo will be here,I'll message Sarah and tell her that you're awake,she said. She checked my eyes,vitals,blood pressure and my stitches. She sent Sarah the message to tell her I was awake. I've got to go back to work I'll be back soon,she said. She left and closed my door behind her. I pulled my phone out again and decided to message Tristan and see how he was. I didn't have anything else to do and it was another two and a half hours until Leo would get here. I grabbed my newest novel from the table and began to read it. My phone buzzed with two messages. One from Tristan and one from Leo. I'm okay I'm finally NEC been that way for a couple weeks still doing a round of chemo to be safe how are you I feel I haven't seen you in forever we should meet up soon,Tristan said. Okay,you sure you're okay I've only got one more period left today I can leave and skip,Leo said. I'm positive I'm okay I'm through the worst of it and I think a doctor is making a round today to check up on me and remove my stitches I should be able to go home in a few days if I'm still well,stay at school it's okay I'll be here when you get done I'll probably be awake I've been asleep awhile,I sent Leo. That's amazing Trist,I'm better I've been in and out at the hospital for a little over a week now, and me too we really should,I sent Tristan. I went back to reading. A short while later I guess I must've drifted off again. The pain meds always made me so sleepy it's irritating. I woke again a little after 4 when Leo got there. Hey there sleepyhead,he said teasingly. Hey,I'm so sorry I fell asleep without meaning too or realizing it how long have you been here,I asked. It's okay you need rest too you're still recovering and I haven't been here too long it's only after 4 so probably about 30 minutes it's fine though don't worry about it plus you're a cute sleeper,he said. Okay and really,how often do you watch me sleep,I asked. Yep really and only when I don't really have another choice though my preference is when you're conscious,though you're cute both ways,he said only half joking. Okay well thanks I think,I said kind of confused on how to take that. I missed you,he whispered. I missed you too,I whispered back as we both leaned in close. Before I knew it we were kissing again. I really wish most of my kisses and years of high school weren't spent in a hospital . He pulled away when we were both out of breath. I sat back. I love you,I said quietly. For a split second I wasn't sure he heard me but then he looked up and met my eyes. I love you too,he said.

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