Chapter 24

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A/N: A warning,sorry but this is a really sad chapter. Song for this chapter is Without You Piano Guys. Enjoy.

I eventually drifted off to sleep. That morning I woke early. I pulled myself up off the floor and gently sat April's hand back down on the bed. I slowly stood I ached a lot. I realized mom must have covered me up when she found me sleeping here. I wasn't planning to fall asleep that's why I didn't have a pillow or blanket. What went on? I was wondering. Then all the memories of last night came flying at me. Oh crap,I mumbled realizing what happened. I turned and looked at April. She was okay now. I walked out of our room and looked out the window. It was raining. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I made French toast and put powdered sugar and fruit on it. I carried our plates to my room and gently closed the door. I walked to April and sat the plates on the bedside table and cut off the oxygen concentrator. I grabbed a tank and hooked up the nubbins. I put them on her for her. April,I said near her ear and shook her awake. She barely opened her eyes. Stop I'm tired,she mumbled with an arm over her eyes. She moved the arm and kept her eyes closed. Wake up I made breakfast,I said gently. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers then she woke up. She pulled me close and kissed me back. I made breakfast,I said. Ooh what'd you make,she asked curiously. French toast with powdered sugar and fresh fruit,I answered. Yum,she said and I helped her to sit. I handed her the plate and sat at the foot of the bed. We both ate. When we were done I stood and lifted her up into her wheelchair. She rolled herself to the kitchen. Race ya,she said and took of pushing herself. I had the plates so I couldn't run so she won. I put the plates in the sink and came to the living room to find her. She wasn't there. Come find me,she had wrote on a post it. April,I called out. She left her wheelchair in the hall. Oh we are gonna be in so much trouble. I walked down to my room and opened the closet door. There she stood. She came close and wrapped her arms around my neck. I love you she mumbled against my neck. I love you more I whispered in her ear. No you don't,she said and leaned close. My lips parted knowing what she was doing. Our breaths mingled and she pressed her warm lips to mine. She pulled away. Okay now you need to follow doctor orders alright,I said. Okay,she said. I lifted her and carried her to her wheelchair. I'm gonna clean up breakfast dishes,I said. Let me help,she said. You can come but you're resting,I said. Fine,she said. I walked out with her wheeling behind me. She stood up. I started washing the dishes. What's this,she asked as she picked up a big envelope in fancy paper from the hospital it had her name on it. I don't know,I said. She opened it. A half second later I turned around and she had tears in her eyes and a hand over her mouth. She just stood there a minute even as the letter fell from her hands.She ran into our room crying. I followed her. I closed the door and she laid on the bed her face in a pillow crying. Shh don't cry it's okay I tried to soothe. No it's not she's gone Emily's dead how come she got to give up the fight how do I go on she was my best friend,she yelled at me. She met Emily during treatments one day months ago. She was a 15 year old girl with AML like her she's 16. They had hit it off immediately. Emily had been battling since she was 6. April went to her when getting ready for prom. Tristan and April got better while Emily got sicker with each passing day . I knew she was sick but they said a year and it's been 3 months. She was told not to tell Tristan so she didn't. She told me instead so I knew about all of it and I didn't say a word. I realized this must be tearing him apart. I would be falling apart if I lost April. Tristan was some else she met battling leukemia he was 17. They were in love like us. She sobbed harder. How come I have to live and she dies I have lived more than she has it's so unfair it sucks she sobbed. Crying like this made it harder to breathe for her than it already was. She's gone she breathed. Trying to catch her breath but she and I knew it was too late she could no longer breathe or talk. I know it's okay it sucks so bad I know but Tristan and I are still here I love you I said. She tried pointing to the spare oxygen tank in the corner. I got the memo hearing her gasp. I ran for the tank and mask. I quickly opened the mask and hooked it up. I brought it over. I helped her to slide it over her head and get it adjusted. She was running out of fight she was breaking. I could easily see it. I was wore out as she was now. She took big breaths and slowly started to sleep. Sleep now I said kissing her forehead. Then for a few hours nothing but blackness and silence as she slept. I was alone. When she woke she moved the mask replacing it with the nubbins . She did her short hair and put on her black dress. She refused the wheelchair. The letter came a week ago while we were in the hospital. She began to cry again. As she cried I held her, she sobbed into my chest as I held her close and held her up as her knees gave in and she would've fallen to the floor if not for me. She did her makeup. At least it was waterproof. She had tied a black scarf that hung in the back around her hair. The service was today at 4. She pulled out her phone and went to talk to Tristan.

I was a high schooler yet battling cancer during the supposed best years of my life. I got the news and burst out bawling and wanted to run and hide from my problems. I ran to our room. I wasn't supposed to be out of my wheelchair but I am. He followed me. He closed the door and I laid on the bed my face in a pillow crying. Shh don't cry it's okay he tried to soothe. No it's not she's gone Emily's dead how come she got to give up the fight how do I go on she was my best friend I yelled at him . They told us a year and she got three months. I was told not to tell Tristan so I didn't. I told Leo instead so he knew about all of it and he didn't say a word. I realized this must be tearing Tristan apart. Leo would be falling apart if he lost me. I sobbed harder. How come I have to live and she dies I have lived more than she has it's so unfair it sucks I sobbed. I didn't want to imagine a world without one of my best cancer friends. It's wasn't fair but life never is is it? Crying like this made it harder to breathe for me than it already was. She's gone I breathed. Trying to catch my breath but Leo and I knew it was too late I could no longer breathe or talk. I know it's okay it sucks so bad I know but Tristan and I are still here I love you he said. I tried pointing to the spare oxygen tank in the corner. He got the memo hearing me gasp. He ran for the tank and mask. He quickly opened the mask and hooked it up. He brought it over and he helped me to slide it over my head and get it adjusted. I took deep breaths and then I slept. While I slept the pain in my heart was a little more bearable for a while,it almost disappeared.My friend Emily with whom I made friends whom was the same age and battling leukemia like me had died while I was in the hospital last week.I made friends with her during chemo along with another boy named Tristan. I was getting better and I thought she was just like Tristan but she was actually getting worse as we were getting better. Tristan was 17 and her boyfriend. I had short hair which came back blonde light white blonde with some streaks of my darker auburn in it. I had changed and did my hair for the funeral in a couple hours. I began to cry. As I cried Leo held me I sobbed into his chest as he held me close and held me up as my knees gave in and I would've fallen to the floor if not for him. I put on my makeup and had on black mascara and eyeliner. I wore a simple black to the knees dress.I wrapped a black scarf around my head to hold my little hair out of my face and it hung in the back. I refused my wheelchair. All I could do was cry it was so bad and hurt so much worse out of all the pain. She quit why couldn't I but I knew the one reason I stayed which was for Leo. I kept fighting for Leo. I walked out to let Leo change and I pulled out my phone. I dialed Tristan's number. It rang three times. Come on answer,I mumbled. Finally he answered on the fourth ring. Hey Trist,I said. Hey April,he said and sniffed. Are you okay,I asked. No but I will eventually,are you,he asked. Not really,I just got the news today,it sucks,I said. It does and I would've texted sooner I didn't know if you knew or not,he said. I didn't I was in the hospital all last week so I didn't even get to visit her,I said. Oh,I'm sorry,it was awful,he said. Like,um,what happened,I asked wiping tears away as I cried again. It was awful,basically she was having trouble breathing on her own and the oxygen wasn't enough,she went unconscious,she arrested for about 20 minutes before the doctors gave up,she was too weak to be revived,it was almost too late when they got with her,Nurse Kate notified me after,all I've done is cry,he said. God it sucks,and me too,I said. There was a short period of silence. I can't believe she's gone,he whispered. Me neither,I whispered back. Do you need a ride,I asked. Yeah that'd be great,see ya in 45,he said. Okay see ya,I said. The call ended.

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