Chapter 26

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A/N: This song doesn't specifically go with this chapter but I like it and think it would be a nice background. Sorry it's taking so long for me to update recently there's a lot going on. Thanks to each and every one of my followers,and everyone whose read my books. I'm trying to update more often. Some chapters may not have songs because I'm running out of ideas of songs to put in until I find another. Enjoy.

I knew that I need to live my life outside of the house. He wanted to make it good for me. That was noticeable. So here I was apparently going to a carnival with my true love,my soulmate,my world,my everything. I probably should've stayed home. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was gonna happen and soon. I knew though that whatever it happened to be that he cared enough to be there and we'd get through it together. I ignored the feeling and offered a smile to him when he gave me a concerned look. We pulled up to the carnival and were directed to a parking space. He stopped and then got out. He came around and opened my door and helped me down. I dragged my cart behind me. He paid our way in. We started by eating. I made him happy and forced myself to eat half his fries and funnel cake. He bought our tickets to ride and we walked through examining each one. We rode the Farris wheel once just to see what was going on. We went and got ice cream. I of course ordered chocolate because it was my favorite. We were walking back down towards the Farris wheel when I got a little lightheaded and almost fell. He caught me and helped me right myself. Are you okay,he asked. Slightly dazed I answered him,yes I'm fine. We got on the Farris wheel and he put his arms around me as I got cold. We held hands and then he softly pressed his warm lips against mine. We kissed and stayed holding hands till it was over. The ride soon ended. We were getting off of the Ferris wheel when I felt faint again.I thought I was fine and we continued walking and talking and laughing. Everything next happened in slow motion and he froze as it began before helping me. I stumbled and started to fall before I hit the ground he caught me. I stood up with his help and vomited my guts out and then fell unconscious as he caught me again and shouted for help laying me on the ground. He picked me up gently,leaning me against his chest and carried me part way meeting paramedics. I was gasping in pain and for breath. I finally opened my eyes again. Need O2 definite fluid in lungs need a chest tube,I heard someone say around me.I heard him typing furiously into his phone trying to remain out of the way contacting our parents though I knew he'd rather be with me. I heard a snippet of the conversations around me not really making it out.I felt the tube being entered it was all I could do not to scream. I blinked tears furiously out of my eyes. Gasping a little bit.A shot in my arm and I relaxed.An  oxygen mask on my face. Hallway ceiling,fluorescents glowing,blurring overhead,it stopped for a moment. A beeping noise.  Sarah appearing in the doorway with Leo moving closer towards me. I was lying on the gurney,slightly elevated to breathe,I moved my head slowly back and forth to try to clear my now blurry vision. My eyes closed. I could feel the electrodes on my chest and the pulse oximeter on my finger. We've got to move now or we are gonna lose her,someone yelled next to me and then there was nothing. I awoke three days later in the ICU. It started slow as I came too. It started with my finger moving a little then my hand and I shifted my legs a bit. I opened my eyes squinting against the brightness. The fluorescents were directly above my eyes. It was slightly blurry then cleared. I was lying flat. April,he questioned aloud. I moved my head a slight bit and heard the familiar beeps of the heart monitor. He adjusted my bed a slight bit so it wasn't as bright. I was confused as to how I got here,the events from a few days ago wouldn't come to me. He explained everything after seeing my confusion. I didn't even have to ask. They had to put a tube in,you had fluid in your lungs preventing oxygenation again,he said. I really didn't remember getting here. I've been in and out for a few days apparently. A nurse came in and very calmly and nicely gave me some more meds. My eyes slowly closed and I saw him gaze at my over the oxygen mask on my face. I slept. I saw as she apologized to him for having to give me meds but I needed rest to recover. He just cried for a little while as he still held my freezing hand. He hasn't let go and I hope he won't. Sarah visited a couple minutes and took my vitals down and rested her hands on my arm. They stayed silent. She left and doctors and nurses were in and out. They switched my mask out for nubbins. Leo remained the whole time. I woke again a few days later more alert. My oncologist came in with Sarah once I was conscious and told me that the chemo was not going to do it alone,the scans showed it was working but not the best so along with the chemo I will have to begin radiation before I can hopefully achieve remission. I would be aloud to go home when they started it and hopefully the next day I can be discharged and start radiation a day later. I lay there awake after the doctor left. Leo stayed with me. He continued to hold my hand and we stayed silent. Finally I asked him to lie with me a little bit. He lowered the rail and slid in next to me. He put his arm around me and held me close. I just laid on his chest and breathed deeply the scent of him that was sprayed all over his sweatshirt. I began to softly cry the tears just rolled down my cheeks wetting his sweatshirt. He just held me closer. I let my fears out as he cried softly with me for a little while. I was afraid of starting another treatment and that I wasn't going to make it but I was so crazy in love with him. I wasn't sure if he'd be okay if I left so I continued to fight with everything in me. They aloud him to stay with me for once in the ICU as I received my Chemo through the IV drip. I eventually became drowsy again and slept.

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