Chapter 13

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A/N:The song for this chapter is called Halo by Anne Brun and Linnèa Olsson it is from If I Stay . Enjoy.

I heard as Sarah walked him to my room,talking quietly. They were waiting for me to wake up. I was on anti rejection meds,pain meds,and chemo. Hopefully the transplant was a success then I might only have to worry about my lungs. Leo grabbed my hand and the door slid closed. We were alone. Sweetie,take your time okay but we are all waiting on you to wake up,Leo said. I know I thought. I'm ready. I took a deep breath. The tube was no longer down my throat they removed it last night so I just have to deal with my nubbins. I opened my eyes. Leo,I said and squeezed his hand. April,oh my gosh you scared me I thought I lost you don't do that to me again I'm serious,he said. I won't try I promise,I said. We held hands. Let me guess I'll be here a couple weeks,I said. Yeah for recovery and they are gonna get results on if you are in remission or not,he said. I thought so. Did you call my parents and did you bring my phone,I asked. I did they are gonna come tomorrow as soon as they can work has been crazy and yes I did do you want it,he asked. Yes please and okay,I said. He handed it to me. I opened snapchat and created a group snapchat with Sarah and Tristan. I took a picture of me making sure my surroundings of medical equipment and the hospital bed was visible. I sent it. They replied immediately. Oh my gosh are you okay,Emily sent. Where are you,everything alright,Tristan sent. I'm okay now in the PICU be here for a few weeks at least,emergency bone marrow transplant last night I almost died,I sent. Sucks,Emily said. We are coming up,Tristan sent and sent a picture of Emily in a wheelchair with Tristan pushing her. Cool thx guys see you soon I sent. I realized I was totally bald I hate it. Hey Leo can you do me a favor I asked. Yeah anything,what do you need,he asked. Can you go get me a hat from somewhere I don't have my wig your mom must've taken it off,I said. Yeah sure,he said. He left and a few minutes later I was joined by Emily and Tristan. Hey,I said. Hey,they said. So what's been happening with you guys lately sorry I haven't texted I had a surprise sweet 16 plus an emergency visit to the hospital yesterday kinda ruined my message plans,I said. I had a radiation and it made me sicker than a dog,Emily said. She was pretty bad,Tristan said as Emily playfully punched his arm. I haven't had much since we met the other day,I'll get results in a week from the chemo,Tristan added. I hope they come back good,I said to Tristan. Emily looked at my hand and noticed the promise ring. Oh my gosh,where did this come from,she asked examining my hand. Leo gave me it and asked me to prom for my birthday and just made a store run for me since I'm gonna be here a while,I said. You have to let me help you get ready for prom,Emily said,I haven't done it I want to. I will for certain,I said. That is if I can go I might still be in the hospital it is the third week of April and prom is in a month,I said. Well we have to go I've got another radiation session today so we'll come visit again soon,bye April,Emily said. See ya,Tristan said. See ya,bye guys,good luck with radiation Emily,I said. They left and I was alone. I looked at my phone. Leo texted 5 minutes ago. Hey,what do you think of this one,he sent and had added a picture with it. It was a gray beanie that seemed perfect for me. He also had one that was purple crocheted. Love them both,you don't have to get both if you don't want to just pick one okay I love you,I sent. He checked out and texted me another pick. He had both beanies in a bag. I nearly cried he's too nice to me. Thank you so much,I sent. He came back 15 minutes later. I was sleeping again but I woke when I heard the door sliding open. Hey,I said. Hey I'm sorry I wasn't trying to wake you,he said. It's okay really,I said. He handed me the bag. I pulled the purple one out first. I will wear this one for now. You look so beautiful you know whether you are wearing that hat or not,he said. Thank you,I said. He came over and sat. I held his hand. He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly. He was being careful because of my stitches. He pulled back. Our faces were so close. He leaned in close. We shared our second kiss but this one was so much better than the first. It warmed my whole body. It left me breathless. Leo,I breathed. I love you,he said. Our faces just stayed close together and our breaths were mixing. He eventually sat back and I laid back. I'm exhausted. I didn't want to sleep. You need to rest or they will stop letting me visit,Leo eventually said. Fine but will you rest with me,I asked. We haven't done this since I was here my first time before my brain surgery. Alright,he said and stood. He moved the bed rail and I slid over a bit to make room. I slid over into his arms. He wrapped them around me and I eventually fell asleep like that with the sounds of beeping from the heart monitor fading into the background. We slept for several hours like that then we eventually ate dinner together. The ICU nurses brought mine to me and he ran to the cafeteria to get his and then he rejoined me. We ate and then I slept some more. Leo went and showered and slid on clean clothes. I woke the next morning and went to Physical Therapy or PT to try to gain some of my strength back. I would do this for at least two weeks. I will get my results to see if I'm in remission sometime next week. Leo wouldn't ever leave and I could tell he hasn't been sleep on hardly at all. I've gotten all kinds of visits from Emily and Tristan in between their treatments. Leo usually leaves us by that point but he just wonders the halls never leaving. Tristan is very close to remission that they are hoping this round of treatment will put him completely there.

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