Chapter 3

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A/N: The song I added is called Hold On by Evan Duffy. Thanks for reading enjoy.

I opened my eyes. You couldn't really tell what time it is but I looked at my phone which was sitting on the bedside table next to me and it looks as if I have been unconscious for about 4 hours.It was silent except for the constant beep of the heart monitor and machines hooked to me. The silence was deafening and I could not stand it. I am nervous. No one is around me and I'm all alone. It is a scary feeling I can't really be all alone but it seems like that. I took deeps breaths which were slow and steady.I calmed down. I heard his voice yell throughout the ICU,"where is she".He ran off without Sarah and so he was waiting at the doors for her because they needed clearance to let him in but I wanted to yell although I couldn't to let him in I need him way more than I ever have before. A headache bored through by skull.She made him quiet down and told him that,she needs you now more than ever before. Together they walked into my room.April,Leo exclaimed loudly which did nothing to help my headache oh well I'm glad he's here.Sarah's face was red has she been crying I wondered. Good you're awake,Sarah said.You're okay,you're going to be okay,Leo almost whispered.We are waiting for your tests results from the tests we took earlier,she informed me.Okay,I almost half whispered.She left soon after to check her other patients and on my results.How'd you know I was here so you would know to come,I asked him since my voice was now a little stronger. Mom's your nurse and once they were done with your tests since she didn't want to leave your side once finding out it was you,she knew it was you and called your mom and then me because when they were giving you meds once you first arrived they said you were delirious and asking for me so she called me knowing that you needed me and so getting the news I signed myself out of school,ran to the parking lot and then drove here as fast as I could to get here afraid I was going to be to late and you was gonna die god you gave us a scare you scared me you shouldn't do that,he said offering a small smile. I just nodded.Are you tired,he asked with concern. I nodded again avoiding looking into his eyes. I eventually did and I saw hope in his which gave me hope. Okay try to get some sleep I'm not going anywhere,he said grasping my hand without the IV in it tightly. I don't know why I was so tired and when I woke I was a little warm oh well I am gonna be okay. I just had one of those feelings something was about to happen something bad and I can't do nothing about it. When  I once again woke up and regained full consciousness for the second time that day. I moved my head back and forth on my pillow before coming awake from a nightmare.It was all a dream I thought before noticing it wasn't and that I was in the hospital. I opened my eyes.I found him sitting next to me holding my hand. I caught my breath it seemed hard to breathe. I coughed a few times. The nightmare was that I was alone in the ocean and although I could swim I couldn't remember and it was dark and rainy and that I was drowning. I saw he was staring at my small pale hand.His face I noticed was red. Hey are you alright,I asked. Yeah I guess, are you,he said looking into my eyes. Yeah fine,I said.I could see the sadness in his face and in his eyes I saw that he had been crying. What's  wrong,I asked. Sorry I can't tell you but you'll find out when my mom and the doctor comes back,he said smiling sadly so it looked more like a grimace. I tightened my grip on his hand. I love him. But all of this is like falling off a cliff and running to catch yourself.He must really love me back though because he understands what a mess I can be but he still wants me in his life.He's the reason behind my smile. I knew that none of this was supposed to happen in my freshman year and I am very instrumental but have missed almost every class. I already know that the kids in my class with spread news to the whole school since I scared them and I will get the pity glances and will be known as the weird sick kid. I feel bad about all of this though because I hate causing him pain which is what I am doing.  I hope that no matter what he stays with me forever despite what I know will probably happen.Our hands fit together like they,actually that we were made for each other. We are each others worlds without knowing each other for long we are very close to each other.The doctor and Sarah came in a moment later with grim expressions on their faces.I could tell by the looks on their faces that this was not going to be good.I was hoping for good news but I don't think that that is what I am going to get.He,the doctor,just shook his head before beginning to speak. That was a dead give away. At that I almost broke apart like Leo did but I didn't and as they waited for my reaction continued knowing I was strong and could handle this.The doctor continued after beginning,"Well,we received and looked carefully at your results as to why you passed out and were brought here and well the answer is that you have cancer,the cancer is AML or Acute Myeloid Leukemia or a type of leukemia which must be rare in your family and actually not uncommon in you.You passed out because you have apparently had it for a long time and well you have a small tumor in your brain which we should be able to remove before it progresses any farther. You will need surgery as soon as possible but you need to sign the forms and we don't the full effects or side effects on someone like you who is this young with a tumor in her brain needing it removed and every person is different but we suspect a full recovery cause without removal the tumor will push against your brain stimuli or brain stim which can cause seizures." They all gave me more sympathetic grimaces. They waited for a reaction for me to fall apart which I didn't. What I didn't know was the words cancer and AML and Leukemia was going to haunt me forever. Those words didn't sink in right away but when they did it sucked more than what I was going to go through.

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