Chapter 6

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A/N: I added a song to go with this chapter. It is from the new movie Me Before You. I went to see it last night 6/18/16. It was really good I recommend it. Anyway the song is called Unsteady by X-Ambassadors. Enjoy. 


I walked into their house,it was a gorgeous,big and spacious,well kept and clean house. I needed clean although my immune system was still strong it was weaker and I could catch infections more easily and they are two times more deadly. He had carried my oxygen tank up the small 4 stairs and into the house for me. He sat it down and I grabbed the handle,rolling it behind me. He took me to his room where I would be sleeping in his bed for the next week, he would be on the pull out couch in case I needed meds or something. He was gonna be on the floor but Sarah moved the couch in there for him. Besides my oxygen you couldn't really tell I was sick. He left after sitting my clothes on the bed. I pulled on my wig which I braided, it looked like my hair,then for good measure slid on my beanie. It will be good to go to school tonight. I've been online schooling for the last month and a half,catching up on work. I slid on some soft,dark skinny jeans and a long sleeved turquoise V-neck that was my favorite. I readjusted my beanie.Dragging the cart behind me,I walked into the kitchen to find him with his instrument and changed into his clothes,ready to leave. We were going to go as soon as Sarah was done changing and getting my medical supplies into the spare room. His grandma lived there with them and was babysitting his younger cousins and brother,Adam. Sarah walked into the kitchen and said we were going to grab dinner from McDonald's. He grabbed his instrument and stuff he needed for tonight. I grabbed my cart and we left. We picked up dinner to go and ate at the park before leaving for the high school. For me the battle that is being fought within me does not seems to be getting any easier I just seem to be becoming stronger. I keep fighting through my worst bad days and earn the best good days of my life. He is always there for me when I'm falling apart at 3 am or when I feel all alone during the day,I thought looking at his face as he studied the surroundings at the park,the sun shining on half of his face. But when I began to fall in love with this life he made me love it more. Arriving at our school,he went to our band room and tuned and whatever else needed to be done for their performance at half time. I could've played with the band tonight except that I have not practiced,I don't know the music and probably couldn't stand that long with the way my lungs are anyway. It was a nice thought though,a good dream to have had. Maybe next year if I'm better and get through this which I am sure that I will. I was able to get my tank on my back and we walked to the bleachers to find a seat. The game started,although I am not much of a football fan it seemed strangely entertaining to me. I loved the songs that the marching band played. I wished I could've been apart of that. I had such a longing to be on that field playing electric bass guitar. Eventually I hoped sadly. It was a long and exhausting game which didn't end until 10 when our school finally won. They had played into overtime twice. With the oxygen tank on my back again I managed to tiredly walk back to the car with Leo and Sarah on both sides of me. Leo was holding my hand,our arms entwined as we held each other. I was so tired now. It doesn't take long to wear me out anymore. In the car on the way home,Leo holding my hand,talking with the music in the background,I fell asleep. Arriving home,he carried me and my tank inside. Laying me on the bed,sleeping,he covered me with the blankets and then after changing,went and lay down on his bed on the floor. I woke early the next morning around 6 am,still slightly tired from the night before. I figured a may as well get ready for today which will be again spent at home. I will go to school the day after tomorrow since my first chemo treatment wore me out yesterday. I slid out of my sweats I changed into and put on my skinny jeans and a dark blue t-shirt,it was one of my most favorite v necks. I slid my light gray zip up sweatshirt on over top of the shirt. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom adjusting the nubbins and brushed out my brown/auburn hair. It was pretty short now,at pageboy length. I went out of the bathroom and into the kitchen finding a note from his mom. She had written that she had to work today but should be home for dinner this evening. We had all day to ourselves and so I decided to start on our breakfast. I cooked some eggs. I was not to hungry due to treatments and cancer but I thought Leo probably was. I went to the bedroom. Time to wake up,I said shaking him awake gently a smile on my face. He smiled,opening his eyes seeing me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me to the kitchen where I had breakfast on the table and we ate. What do you want to do today,he asked me when he walked back into the kitchen no longer in pajamas. He changed while I had done the dishes. They had told me that I did not have to do the dishes but it is the least I can do to even begin repaying them for all they have been doing for me. I shrugged. He left and came back a few moments later. I finished the dishes. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me outside telling me to close my eyes. I did as he said and breathed in the autumn air. Well as much as I could besides the oxygen tank. Open them he said. I did and saw that he had laid a blanket out on the grass in front of the house. He grabbed my cart and together we walked down the stairs to the blanket. We sat looking at the sun shining on the wooded area down the hill from the house. Eventually we lay back looking at the clouds,the sun warming my face. Sometime later I closed my eyes contently falling asleep. Sleep is good for cancer patients,right. He reached over and gently put his hand on mine while I slept, smiling as he realized that I was asleep. When I opened my eyes a little while later I was cold and slid on the sweat jacket laying next to me. He was no longer laying next to me. I heard him close the screen door behind of him quietly.  He sat next to me again this time with a plate placed in the middle of us. When he looked over at me he was surprised to see me awake. Have a good nap,he teased smiling. Yeah,how long was I asleep,I asked. Oh about 5 hours we came out at 9 and it is 2 now,he answered. Ugh....I did not mean to do that how am I gonna sleep later tonight,I groaned frustrated. You looked to peaceful to wake up, he said. I gently nudged his arm playfully. I made us sandwiches for lunch,I didn't want to eat without you,he said. Okay but you didn't have to wait if you were hungry,I said looking at him.I wanted to,he said. I pushed myself into a sitting position with my legs crossed. I took half a sandwich and he took the other. It was a really good sandwich. We have to go back to school tomorrow,I'm nervous,I said.It'll be okay,don't be nervous,and I will be there with you every step of the way,he said. Alright,I said. Let's go inside now,you're cold,he said with a smile. He quickly stood,helped me stand and gathered everything up. It was almost 3 o'clock. Adam should be getting off the bus soon then his mom will be off work then his grandma,his stepdad is away for a business trip. What do you want to do now,he asked once we were inside. Want to watch a movie,I asked. He picked one. He picked a movie about a dog. While it ran through the commercials he grabbed me a glass of water and got his brother settled. His mom arrived home around 4 and cooked dinner. We all ate at 6 after dinner was cooked,the movie finished,and everyone who was supposed to be there was there.

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