Chapter 3 The Keeper

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"Dexi!! What's up man!" Philip thumped my back.

I think I heard something crack. Crap!

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a girl!! Can you please stop calling me Dexi!? And man that hurts!! I think I broke something." I said rubbing my back.

"Exactly my point bro. See you are a boy, a teen boy. Live a little and grow some muscle. I bet even a girl can wrestle you." Philip said sitting on the chair beside me.

"There is no such rule specifying that teen boys have to be mus-"

A burning sensation filled my stomach. I clutched my hands over my stomach closing my eyes. It was as if a thousand swords were pierced through me.

"Dexi are you ok?? What happened? Do you need something?" Phil was leaning in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

And just as soon as the pain appeared it went away.

"I am alright. I just need to use the washroom". I need to check it.

"Sure man" He started following me towards the men's washroom.

"Uhh you don't have to follow me."


"Seriously dude! We are not those chicks who need a best friend even for going to washroom! Man I am fine. Just need to pee. Do you wanna wait like a lost dog then fine be my guest." I smirked.

"Urgh. Go away. Do whatever you want to do. Just remember I am a phone call away."

"Yeah yeah. The phone which always remains on silent mode. I will remember that"

"Well well, where is that sarcasm coming from? I am pretty sure you were whining a little while ago"

I ignored his retort and headed towards the washroom. I made sure that nobody was around and rolled my shirt to find a familiar sight.

The tattoo.

Well. It looked more like a scar, prominent against my skin.This tattoo has been burning since the last few days. I need to see the doc.

The bell rang and I quickly covered the tattoo and readjusted my glasses. Don't wanna be late to class.

As I entered chemistry I saw Philip sitting at our usual seat waving at me.

"And he calls me a girl" I muttered.

"Everything alright bro?"

"Yup. Everything is perfectly fi-"

And yet again the burning starts. Not again.


"Yeah mom I am on my way to pick up Beatrice. Yeah yeah I am not overspeeding. You do know it's dangerous to talk to while driving, right? Whatever. Talk to Philip" I handed the phone to Philip.

He looked at me wide eyed. "I am not talking to your mom. She's hyperactive like a dog on steroids!" he whisper shouted.

"Just take the phone dammit. Can't you see I am driving??!"

"I am too good of a friend to be true" he shrugged and wiped fake tears. "Hello Mrs. Dexter. Yeah he's not speeding. I will take care. Yeah. Umm...I think we've reached Beatrice's school. Yeah. Bye. Take care." He ended the phone.

"Man your mom talks some crazy chiz. Take care of my son. Seriously!!?? What are you? Five?"

"Tell me about it. Anyways I am going to pick up Beatrice. You stay here and look after the car. And no funny business"

"Great. First the son and then the son's car. Do I look like a babysitter here?!" I ignored his babysitting comment. I have to admit he can be a good babysitter. Babies love him.

I saw Beatrice sitting at the bench reading some book. When she noticed me she ran and leaped onto me.

Whoa. I lost my balance and fell down along with her. Man she's growing heavy. Remind me not to buy her chocolate.

Beatrice stood up as if nothing happened and raced to the car. I was following her when a throbbing pain filled my stomach. I rolled my shirt to see the tattoo glowing and then it went back to normal. I sighed and went on my way towards the car.

As I entered the car I saw Philip smirking at me. Crap.

"I was right about girls wrestling you" he winked.



"Dad! Dad where are you?" I shouted at the top of my voice.

"Your dad's in the garage" Mom said from the kitchen

"Kay.Thanks mom."

I opened the garage door to see my father under the car doing...........uh something.

"Uhh dad? Can I talk to you about something. It's important. It won't take long I promise."

"Hey son. How's life?" He waved at me.

"Um good.".

"So about what did you want to talk to me?" He asked getting out.

"So dad. You remember? My seventeenth birthday, I cried out in pain while cake cutting?"


"So I discovered this tattoo shortly after" I rolled up my shirt. "I have no idea what this means or where it came from. And it kinda burns. And this burning and whole doubling over with pain thing is happening quite frequently. So I was-"

I stopped after seeing my father's expression. It wasn't of shock or anger. It was of pure curiosity and excitement.

"Dad?" My voice pulled him out of his reverie.

"Ohh!! Listen Adrian, you are not telling about this to anyone. Not Philip. Not Beatrice. Not even your mother. Understand?"

I nodded my head taken aback my his sudden seriousness.

"You will hide that mark and wash it everyday. OK?"

He took his tools and headed towards the house. Just before exiting the garage he turned around and said

"You are not going to school tomorrow"


"Uhh dad I think you are overreacting. You know it might be some sort of prank or something like that."I said.

"Son we are going to your Aunt Lissa's place tomorrow. So we will be leaving early in the morning." He said.

"Ohh. I thought you were doing this because of the tattoo." I said

"Tattoo? Which tattoo? When did you get a tattoo?" He asked.

"Okay dad. Stop joking. You saw it just now." I said.

"What tattoo?" He asked again.

"This one right here." I lifted up my shirt to show him where the tattoo is located.

He chuckled. "Son I think that is called a scar and not a tattoo but its fine whatever you want to call it."

"What? No! It is a tattoo weirdly shaped and...." I saw that the tattoo was no longer there but rather a mean looking scar was sitting right at its place.

Dad looked at me with concern. "I think you should rest son."

"Yeah I think so too. See ya." I said.

This is weird. But it was right there. The pain and all. Urghhhh forget it.
Let's go to sleep Adrian!

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