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"DANIEL COME DOWN HERE," I heard my father yell from down stairs.

I walked down the huge stair case to the living room.

"What" I groaned

"I have hired a new butler, his name is Joseph, he was found in a ditch by the highway so I decided to take him in." He explained.

"Ok.." I said uninterested.

"I swear to god Daniel if you are even a little bit rude to him I will ground you from everything." He stated a bit annoyed

You are probably wondering why he is saying this.

Well.. I have not had a good experience with the past maids and butler's

"Anyways he will be here in about an hour so be ready" he said as he walked away into the theater room

"Whatever" I mumbled to myself

I hour later

Knock Knock Knock

Oh yay he's here. Great.

I heard my favorite butler Parker speaking to him.

The weird thing is I didn't hear him speak I only heard my Dad and Parker.

Maybe hes shy or something
Or maybe-

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of shoes coming up the stairs.

Then I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said while looking at my Apple laptop.

"Daniel I would like you to meet Joseph" my dad introduced us.

"Hey" I murmured as I continued looking at the screen in front of me.

"Daniel! Get off that stupid computer and properly introduced yourself."

"Dad-" I was cut off

"NOW" he yelled.

I sighed in defeat and got up closing my laptop.

"Names Daniel, nice to meet you" I said obviously annoyed.

"Joey" he whispered very quietly.

"Daniel, Joseph will be sleeping in your room until further notice. Understand. Now you two get to know each other." Then he left out the door.

"Listen. I dont want you in my house but I have no choice. Stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't even make eye contact with me. Got it." I said sternly

"Got it" he whispered quiter than the first time.

"W-w-where I-I-s th-he b-bathroom" he stuttered

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now