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ENJOEY! (See what I did there)

Third person
(One week later) Sunday night

The two boys start school in less than 24 hours. Daniel seems excited, Joey on the other had is very nervous. He was always the outcast at his other school and it didn't help he's going to be the new kid. But he knows Daniel would never let him get hurt or be bullied. The two boys were settled down in their bed cuddling Joey laying on Daniels Chest. The older boy knew Daniel could tell he was nervous, every time he brought up school or friends Joey would shift in his spot. Every time the older boy reacted that way Daniel pulled him closer.

"Joey, whats wrong?" Daniel decided he had enough of Joey acting strange.

" Its nothing, really." Joey insisted even though he knew it wouldn't work. They've only known each other for a few months and they know everything about each other. Well almost. Joey was still keeping his slight depression to himself or was trying to at least. Ever since the encounter with his parents the other day it's gotten worse. He knows he should tell Daniel but he just isn't ready.

Daniel already suspects things. Daniel can see the hurt in the older ones eyes. He can see the fake smiles Joey puts on. And he's tired of it. He just wants his baby to be happy. The day Joey and Daniel became a couple Daniel promised to keep Joey happy. And he intended to until the day he dies.

"Joey, I can read you like a book. I know something's wrong" he pulled joey closer to him.

"Ok, well I'm scared for tomorrow. I just don't want it to be like my old school" Joeys eyes filled with tears as he started thinking of him possibly being bullied again.

"Joey your ridiculous it won't be like that and I'll make sure of it. You safe around me." Daniel smiled to himself when he felt Joey burry him face into his neck and smile.

Joey gave Daniel a quick peck on the neck. Daniel shivered speaking that was the first time Joeys ever kissed him on the neck.

Joey made his way up Daniels jaw with tiny kisses son making it to his lips. Giving Daniel a long sweet kiss.

"Thank you." Joey whispered on Daniels lips sending yet another chill down Daniels body.

"I'll do anything for you baby boy" Daniel kissed Joeys forehead after grabbing Joeys chin and connected their lips but this time for a longer kiss. After about a good four minutes of kissing Daniel decided to pull away because it was getting heated. Their foreheads rested on each others as they caught their breaths.

"Goodnight Dan Dan"

"Night Joey"


The loud alarm clock went off causing Joey to shoot up from his spot in panic.


I slowly dragged myself out of the bed into the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Walking out of the bathroom with just a towel around my waist. I saw Daniel on our bed texting with a nervous look on his face.

"Whats wrong Danny?" My voice a little rough considering I just woke up.

"Nothing Joey." He snapped at me.

"Oh" I quietly mumbled to myself, I decided not to talk to him anymore because he's obviously upset for some reason.

I got dressed as Daniel left into the bathroom. After that making my way downstairs. I see Parker and he greets me. I put my beginners apron on and started to help him with the food and plates.

30 minutes later Daniel walked down the stairs the food was already done and placed so I was already eating. He sat next to me and sighed.

"Parker thank you but can you give us a moment?" Daniel said letting out another hard breath. Parker left into his room. Daniel turned to me and I looked at him confused.

"Uh listen Joey I really really like you but I think we should keep our whole relationship to ourselves and not come out as A couple." His voice was shaking. I felt something tug on my heart.

"Are you ashamed of me? Am i not good enough?" My voice now cracking

"No its not that its just." He looked away from my eyes and to the floor.

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now