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First chapter of 2016


I am so upset with myself. I fell for someone I've only known for not even a week and I've already got my heartbroken.

"Joey listen please" Daniel said for the hundredth time since we got home.

Every time he tried to explain i would walk away or put my headphones in.

"Fuck it" he mumbled. I thought he was given up but I thought wrong. I felt a gentle but tough tug on my arm. I realized Daniel was pulling me into our room locking the door behind him.

"Ok I am going to explain to you what is going on and you are going to listen" he said sternly. I didn't even try to get out because its no use. Hes bigger than me.

"Whatever" I mumbled and he continued.

"Cat is NOT my girlfriend and she never was. I am gay why would I have a girlfriend. Cat was my best friend then she grew feelings for me so I stopped talking to her. I have no idea why she just did what she did, but trust me I have feelings for you and you only." He explained with hopeful eyes.

I sat there just taking in what he just explained. I feel upset with myself for not letting him explain.

"Oh my god Dan I'm so sorry for not letting you explain, I'm still having trouble on trusting people" I said looking at the ground feeling like an idiot.

"Its ok babe I understand" He said softly.

Once I heard him say babe my heart dropped. My heart couldn't handle pet names.

"Daniel, Joey!" A strong voice yelled from the floor below us.

We raced down stairs meeting Daniel's dad at the bottom.

" I forgot to tell you guys this but school starts exactly 2 weeks tomorrow. Our helpers have already bought you clothes and school bags so get yourselves prepared. Also Joey i know you might not be in the right mind set yet so if you are not ready for school you don't have to go just yet" he explained

2 hrs later

Some how me and Daniel ended up cuddling on the couch watching Netflix. It was the middle of the movie when Daniels phone buzzed. He grabbed his phone checking the message.

"Oh god" he mumbled.

"What" I said in a light voice.

"My friends are having a back to school party tonight and they want me to go" he explained

"Oh, whats wrong with that" i asked still confused.

"My friends are... lets say... crazy, insane, ridiculous and I don't want to leave you here alone."

"Why cant you bring me with?" I honestly felt offended. I think he could tell.

"No its not like that you are just so fragile and I don't want anything to happen to you"

I said a small "oh" and got up from the couch.

"Joey, where are you going." He sighed

"To the party."

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now