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Third person

For the rest of the school day Joey tried to be happy. He didn't want Daniel to worry about him anymore or somehow find out about his depression. But Daniel knew what exactly what Joey was doing. He knew something was up with Joey but he didn't know what.

"Bye guys! Sorry I can't come!" Joey sent a small smile to his group of friends and walked off to the car waiting for him and Daniel. He got inside the car to see no Daniel.

"Hi Vincent! Is Daniel coming today?" Joey asked the driver as he buckled up.

"I'm afraid not Joesph" Vincent put the large car in drive and drove off. Joey felt like he was about to explode. He needed to tell someone about what was happening to him. He felt it was bad for him to keep his feelings in.

Once they arrived at the large house Joey went straight up to Mr. Predas office. As he got closer to the set of dark oak doors his hands started to shake. He knocked on the office door and tried to calm himself down as he hear footsteps getting closer.

"Hello Joesph, do you need something" Mr. Preda answered the door with his eyebrows raised, surprised that Joey came to speak to him.

"U-uh I have something to tell you" Joey stuttered a little not making eye contact with the man in front of him.

"Of course come in" Mr. Preda gestured into the room while stepping aside. Joey was absolutely terrible. At one, he was talking to one of the biggest directors in the US, and two at what he was about to tell him. As soon as Joey got in he sat down.

"Sir, I uh- I have depression. I was diagnosed before my parents kicked me out but it's been getting worse ever since they did. Uh- I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I was afraid you were going to kick me out with you can still d-"

"Joesph it's ok, I'm glad you told me now" Mr. Preda's face softened as he explained his plan for getting Joey a doctors appointment. After they both had their talk Joey left his guardians office and went to lay on his and Daniels bed. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. Joey has no idea why he's been crying so much lately. It just all comes out at random times, it better him letting it out than bottling his feelings in.

"Joey!?" Daniel yelled from the bottom of their bed. He had just got back from practice to see a sad looking Joey. The smaller boy bolted out of the bed into Daniels arms. He was tired of being sad. He just wanted his boyfriend, even if he was somewhat of an asshole.

"I'm sorry Jo" Daniel huged the boy in his arms tight

"I am too"


I started school back up today
I hope you guys enjoyed it was a really boring chapter lol

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