2.3K 107 62

THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOWS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT. Also thank you for the votes and comments I read every single one.

Also also, I want to read more janiel stories but I want to give the smaller stories a chance. The ones possibly under 1 or 2k.

So please leave some suggestions of Smaller stories, OR your story in the comments :) ILY

Third Person

Ever since Joey and Daniel had that talk after school, Daniel became more protective over Joey. His worst nightmare was Joey going to a party, then getting forced into doing something he wasn't comfortable with. Daniel texted Joey every hour checking on him, if the smaller boy wasn't with him. Joey was flattered at first, loving that his boyfriend cared about him. As the hours went by Joey grew irritated. Daniel was pushing his buttons so much to the point where Joey had to block his number. Daniel, of course, not realizing until the next hour when he couldn't send anything to Joey. All Joey wanted to do was get away from cleaning and cooking for a while and have a nice time with his friends.

"Joey? Are you even listening?" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Ty, Daniel is just really getting on my nerves. He wont leave me alone." Joey sighed, looking around at his friend group, well minus Troye and Connor who were on a date.

"Speaking of Daniel, how do you know him? You never really told us the full story. You just said you lived with him." Shane asked scooting closer to Joey with a creepy smile on his face.

"Um well the day of my 17th birthday my parents kicked me out after I told them I was gay. I was living on the streets for about 2 weeks when Daniel dad saw me a took me in. Now he has custody over me." A little side smile playing on his lips.

"Oh wow I would have never thought a cheerful guy like you has been through so much." Drew choked back, shocked.


Daniel scurried around the house gathering his phone and car keys, leaving out the house. After Daniel found out he couldn't get a hold of Joey, his head went to the worst. He felt has his worst nightmare was about to come true. He desperately drove to the park where Joey currently was. Daniel knew he was going a little overboard, but he just wanted to make sure Joey was safe at the park.

Daniel arrived at the park, quickly rushing out of his car to the large friend group by the Ice cream stand getting closer he realized Joey wasn't there.

"W-where's Joey?!" Daniel looked around hectically.

"Whoah Daniel calm down, he went to the vending machine." Shanes eyebrows scrunched together.

Daniel sprinted to the vending machine area immediately seeing joey crouching down getting waters out. His pace slowed down now knowing Joey was out of harms way.

"Joey!" Daniel came up behind him hugging him tightly.

"Daniel, what the hell are you doing here!?" Joey rolled his eyes, pushing him off

"I-i was worried you my phone wouldn't let me send you texts and-" Daniel sent a little smile to Joey, it dropping once he saw Joeys face.

"Daniel I blocked your number. Leave me ALONE." Joey didn't mean to scream at Daniel he was just so annoyed.

"I just wanted to make sure you are ok." The taller ones voice cracked.

"I can handle myself, youre so annoying! Nothing is going to happen to me, just let me hangout with my friends!" Joey was trying his hardest not to yell at the poor boy who just wanted him safe.

"Just go home, please." The smaller boy shoved passed the other one still holding on to the waters.

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