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"Make sure everything is perfect, all waiters get your trays in your hand people will be coming very soon" Parker rushed around, now triple checking the party set up.

I was standing by the door next to where Parker will be to greet people who come in. I could tell all of the other workers were envious of my spot. Everyone wanted to do what I was about to do, not walk around with platters in both hands. I was told by Parker that at every party every worker has killed to stand by the door and welcome people in. It didn't seem that cool to me but I'm glad I'm doing it.

"The Paparazzi is already here Mr.Preda do you want to go out now?" Apparently at every event he has Mr. Preda walks out to the front porch and introduces him self and gives a quick speech. After that everyone is allowed to come in.

"Of course, thank you Parker. Joseph? Can we have a quick talk." Mr. Preda gave Parker a small nod. He looked at me and pointed to the corner.

"You'll do great tonight, if anything gets to crazy you're allowed to go upstairs and take a breather." I gave him a small smile and walked back to my spot. Mr. Preda walked out the front door and gave his speech.

Everyone bombarded in right after, several big name directors and actors walked through the door smiling at me and shaking my hand. Tons of people dressed in fancy clothes filled the large living room quickly. Not even 30 minutes later it was packed. Not many journalists or paparazzi were allowed in but the ones who were made sure to get every person. Even me.

"Boys! Nice to see you guys attend again." Parker snapped me out of my thoughts, Turing to the door. In front of me were Daniel friends, one just happening to be Riley.

"Joey! What are you doing here?"  Riley looked at me very confused then looked at his friends behind him only earning a shrug from each of them.

"Well I Wo-" I started to tell them the reason only to be cut off by a very good looking Daniel. I felt my jaw wanting to drop open but I quickly clenched it.

"Heyyy guys whatcha talking about" Daniel let out an awkward greeting trying to save me from speaking to much. I laughed a little watching the looks on his friends faces.

"Oh we were just- never mind you guys go have fun I'm busy" I decided not to start anything crazy with Daniel while we're in a good place. He quickly dismissed his friends and walked up to me.

"You are breathtaking" Daniel let out breath that I guess he was holding in. "You holding up? You know you can always take a break." He snaked his arms around my waist pulling us to the side where no one can see.

"I'm fine Dan you go keep your friends company, I'll see you in the movie room." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and pushed him in the other direction. The people wouldn't stop flowing in, I've even seen many big name artists come through the door. Parker decided to shut the front doors, seeing how many people were in the actual house he wanted there enough room in the theater. The whole party I made sure to keep my distance from Daniels friends.

3 hours later

"Amazing job guys, everything was in place, no accidents, outstanding!" Parker clapped looking at all of the staff in front of him. They all smiled and congratulated each other.

"But," Parker continued "Lets not forget about Joseph, this was his first time doing this and he was a pro!" Everyone shifted there eyes towards me and cheered and clapped a little.

After that little congratulatory speech from Parker, I ran up the stairs and plopped on my bed not even bothering to change out of my clothes. Laying there for a few minutes, I got up, did my routine and returned back to that spot.

"Joey," I jumped, my heart racing fast. I forgot I shared a room with Daniel. He was wrapped tightly in one side of the blanket leaving space for me. I turned and cuddled in to him.

"I think I'm ready to come out"

This chapter was so bad tbh. There will be like 10 or less more.

But I already have plans and ideas for the sequel.

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now