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First off thank you all so much for reading this book, it's almost at 50k which is insane.
Second, I don't think I've updated once this summer and it's almost over. Idk I just haven't been that into Joey/Janiel that much lately. I literally stopped watching his videos for a while. But recently I started watching them again and I realized why I love Joey and Daniel sm. I'm never on twitter anymore either (I changed my username so my name doesn't reference Joey). So if you follow me on there sorry.

I made the hs cheer team so that's literally been taking over my life but today was my last practice until school starts which is in 2 weeks. So I'm hoping I'll actually feel like updating more in the span of that time.

Anyways let's get on to the chapter.


The school day has been filled with people asking me questions. It's like my peers have never known a gay person before. I can tell Joey is uncomfortable with the situation, but I also haven't talked to at all since I made the announcement. Each hallway I walk down people are congratulating me, telling me how brave I was. There was nonstop praise. Although I was happy with all of the positive feedback, I felt very odd, I didn't feel right.

"Daniel!" I rolled my eyes, sighing as I turned on my heel to face the person.

"Oh Riley, I'm glad it's you" I put a smile on my face, happy I finally got to see someone who isn't kissing my ass.

"How does it feel bro, you know being out and all" Riley nudged me on the shoulder, smirking. He's been my best friend since as long as I remember, he knew about my sexuality before I even told him.

"Well, I'm glad it's out there" as I finished the sentence I spotted Joey speed walking towards the main entrance. "There's Joey I'll catch you later!" I ended the conversation with Riley and made my way over to him.

"Joey!" I called his name, easily getting his attention.

"Daniel! How was your day" He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips, proud he can do that now.

"Pretty good, but I know this whole thing isn't easy for you"
I wrapped my arms around the smaller figure in front of me.

"I'm fine Danny, really" He smiled again, "Let's go home."


Third Person

"I don't know Shane, I'm so happy for him it's just that.. I-I feel like even though he's out to the school and shouldn't worry about his reputation anymore he still will. It makes it worse that everyone loves him even more now. You don't understand how angry he would get every time something I did or wanted to do would put his reputation on the line, or whatever he said." Joey sat out in the garden and ranted to Shane about stuff he didn't want to tell Daniel, which he always does.

"But now that he is out you or him won't have to worry about kissing, hugging, flirting or any of that anymore. I have a good feeling Daniel will realize how he acted and change his whole demeanor." Shane spoke calmly into the phone, yes he can be the big goofball in the school but when the time comes he can help a lot. Shane knows about Joeys current anxiety and depression, believing that's the reason he's so on edge today.

"Forget it...I just always have this constant fear that one day Daniel will realize how far out of his league I am for him, he's so perfect and I've once lived on the streets. Thank you for always letting me rant to you. Bye" Joey hung up before Shane could say a word. The boy got up from the bench and made his way back to the house.

"Seriously! Amazing I'm so down, let's do this like we used to" Daniel smiled hard into the phone, and hung up.

"What's going on?" Joeys confused face melted Daniels heart.

"My friends are throwing me a coming out party."

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