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I'm so sorry for the slow updates my phone is completely ruined and it's really hard to write on it. I'll put a picture of it up.

My mom dropped it and it got a little black dot on it then It progressively got worse

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My mom dropped it and it got a little black dot on it then It progressively got worse. So that's cool and I have to wait to get it fixed.

Third Person

"You what?" Joeys mouth dropped open in complete shock, him not believing his ears.

"I think I'm ready to come out." Daniel looked the smaller boy directly in the eyes, confidence feeling his body.

"Wha- Daniel are you sure? This could ruin your reputation." Joey words struggling to make it out of his mouth.

"If it means I can be with you anytime I want then yes." Daniel stepped closer to his boyfriend, cupping his face.

"I-i just don't understand why you would risk everything for me" The smaller boy shook his head trying to process the situation. He couldn't believe it. Him and Daniel would have several fights about how his reputation is more important. Now Daniel is telling him he doesn't care. What made him change his mind?

"Joey, you are my everything" The taller boy leaned closer to Joey, connecting their lips.

"Ok if you're down so am I." Joey spoke as soon as their lips separated.

Next day
School Cafeteria

"Are you sure you want to do this" Joey whispered in Daniels ear, looking around the crowded lunch area.

"Positive" with that Daniel took a deep breath, stepping us on the bench to stand on his lunch table. Immediately all eyes were drawn to him. Daniels heart started racing, his hands sweating and shaking. Adrenaline rushed through his body. He was ready.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE" Daniel yelled, everyone stopped talking. He could feel Joey rubbing his leg from the seat below him, comforting him.

"I have something to confess," He took a pause. " I'm gay," the whole lunch room gasped and murmuring began.

"I know it's a big shock for everyone but I couldn't hide it any longer. It's ok if all of you start to hate me or think of me differently. But I just want you to know that I'm the same Daniel I was 5 minutes ago. Also" Daniel dragged out the o, he was no longer nervous and happy he was almost done.

"I do have a boyfriend, his name is Joey Graceffa and I love him." After that Daniel hoped down from the table and kissed Joey, who was sitting. It was completely silent.

"Are you ok? What's gon-" Joeys sentence was cut off by a sudden applause from the room. People were screaming and chanting Daniels name.

"They're ok with it Danny" Joey smiled a little as Daniels eyes lit up. Several people started to walk up to him, wanting to start conversations. Soon there was a whole crowd, Joey, who was still next to Daniel was getting asked questions.

"How does it feel to be dating the captain of the football team" this random girl asked pushing her way to the front of the crowd.

"Um I don't-" Joey started to answer but the bell rang.

This is going to be a long day

Short I know. Thank you for reading this chapter. It's so bad honestly lol. Next chapter is going to be interesting
K bye

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now