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I was reading through all of the comments from my last chapter and I saw how much everyone didn't want this story to end so I'm continuing it :) even though I'm not as into Janiel.
If I have any grammar mistakes TELL ME, I'm a little rusty.

AND thank you to the people who are still reading and liking this story I really appreciate it.


He's out of control. I've tried to stop him. He doesn't love me. He's drowning in popularity. Loving every moment of the attention. Changing every second to fit what everyone else wants him to be. I'm drowning in depressing. Every second I'm spiraling more and more. I don't know how much longer I can handle it.

The party

"Joey! Why are you out here? The party is just getting started!" Shane stepped out into the back yard, semi-yelling over the loud somewhat muffled music.

"O-oh no reason, I just wanted some fresh air it's kinda stuffy in there." I gave a side smile and stood up, walking back into the house with Shane behind me.

"YOO I HEARD DANIELS DOING BODY SHOTS." A random boy screamed, obviously drunk, running past me.
Body shots? He just doesn't stop. I quickly went in the direction the kid went only to run into a huge crowd with Daniel in the middle. I shoved my way through, soon getting to Daniel who was licking alcohol off of a line people one by one.

My heart broke into two.

Third person

Daniel finished up on one person and moved on to the next, before that he gave the boy a quick peck on the lips. The crowd roared of excitement and recklessness.

Joeys heart broke into fourths.

The process went on and on, Daniel sexually licking and touching everything guy on the table, not thinking about Joey once. He got to the end of the line of boys smiling, looking around.
Joey made eye contact with his boyfriend who just cheated on him, his heart broken into several pieces and tears pouring down his face. Daniels smile dropped, he realized what he had done. He had just cheated on him with not one but five other boys, right in front of him.

"Joey! I-I can explain" Daniel tried to tell him but wasn't heard because of the thumping music. Everyone in the crowd went back to partying, leaving Daniel to go and find Joey. The image of his sweet boy crying was stuck in his mind has he made his way through the crowd. He couldn't believe what he just did.

"Daniel! Come drink with us!" A group of his friends sat at the mini bar and one called out to him over the music.

"No I can't right now, sorry" Daniel talked loudly as he made his way to them so it's easier to talk.

"C'mon just one shot and you can go do whatever" Riley said, obviously not aware of what went down before that.

"Fine just one." Daniel easily gave in. But one shot became slowly became rounds, and as each round went by, Joey slipped from his mind. Just like that.

Two hours later

"Ok Danny let's get you up to your room" An almost sober Riley said as the last person finally left. Daniel was drunk out of his mind, he couldn't see clearly and most definitely could not walk. By the time Riley got Daniel to his bed, he was passed out. Daniel's phone was singing constantly from notifications about the party. Riley turn off his ringer and then also left the house.

The next morning

"Daniel wake up!" His father screamed and stomped up the stairs. Surprisingly his head didn't hurt like he thought it was going to.

"Where's Joseph?" His father was almost livid. Daniel sat up quickly and looked around the room.

"What do you mean, he was at the party." Daniel scratched at his head confused. All of the thought from the previous nights rushed in his head, the shots, the dancing, everything.
Then it hit him.

"Oh no, Joey"

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