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"Daniel.. I like you a lot too but-"

"Here it comes" I heard him say under his breath.

"Dan. Im not ready for a relationship,  I just need time, ok?"

I tried to explain so it wouldn't seem like I'm turning him down. Even though I kinda am.

"Oh. I get it. Can I at least take you on a date?" I saw the hope in his eyes.

"Of course you can Dan" I said giggling at that lame rhyme I made.

"Ok! How about later today at about 5, we can go somewhere fun!" he cheered.


After about an hour of trying to make myself look presentable Daniel knocked on the bathroom door.

"Come in" I mumbled while ruffling my hair.

The door creaked open slowly revealing Daniel.

"Wow" Daniel said wide eyed looking me up and down

"Uh.. Y-you look amazing" I stuttered.  And it was true he looked so amazing. I honestly can't believe someone like him has feelings for me.

"You look beautiful" he said still wide eyed. "OK well lets get going" he snapped out of his gaze and continued.

Daniel grabbed my hand sending chills down my body. He led me into his very nice looking car.

"So dan where are we going" I wondered.

"Its a surprise" he grinned.

I hate surprises.

The car ride took about an hour. By the time we got to the location it was sunset. I looked out the window to see the beach in front of us.

"Sunset at the beach?" I was in aw, I didnt think anyone would ever do this for me.

"Of course, Do you like it" I saw the hope in his eyes.


"I freaking love it!" Joey cheered running out of the car onto the beach.

I quickly walked to the trunk grabbing the picnic basket, locking the car door then heading towards Joey. Who was jumping around in the sand. He is so freaking adorable.

As I approached his he saw the picnic basket in my hand and gasped.

"A picnic on the beach at sunset?" he was still in awe "This is a dream come true" I heard him say under his breath.

I set up the picnic and we started to eat. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and bad jokes. Everything was going perfect and I think Joey is really starting to like me.

We became silent listening to the waters current. I looked into his eyes making contact,  slowly leaning in hoping he was to. Turns out he was. We were only centimeters away from each others mouth.

"Daniel!?" I felt Joey jerk back. I let out a sigh.

I turn around to see my extra clingy ex-best friend

"Uh, cat what are you doing here?" I wanted to grab Joey and run.

Cat ignored my question and looked at Joey.

"Who are you?" she rudely asked. He opened his mouth but Cat didn't give him the chance to answer.

"Anyways I'm Cat Daniels girlfriend." she smiled.

I wanted to punch her so bad.

"Cat youre not my-"

I heard Joey mumble a few curse words.

"Oh.. well I will leave you two at it.. uh bye" Joey said speed walking to the road.

"Joey!"  I yelled, quickly gathering up our picnic, then running after him while flicking off Cat.

I hopped into the car and followed Joey down the road. I rolled the window down trying to get his attention.

"Joey get in the car" I demanded.

"no" he was sassing me.

"Joseph get in the goddamn car" I said more powerful than the first time.

"N-" he was cut off by me.

"Joseph. Now" I heard him mumble 'fine' as he got into the car.





sorry if there is any typos


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