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Ngl this story is almost over, there is about 3-4 more chapters. The updates are sooo slow ik but there is only 3 more weeks of school and I won't be so distracted. You guys are not prepared for the ending you'll be so shook-triggered. Alsooo does anyone know of any good/new janiel stories?


"Oh no Joey"

All of the memories from last night came rushing to my head. Every time I close my eyes I see Joey crying. I can't believe my self. I was so careless.

"Daniel," my dad shouted at me, " Where is Joseph" he moved his hands sternly with and upset look on his face.

"I-I don't know he ran off last night after I..." I couldn't even explain how horrible I felt. I don't want to admit what I did.  And I'm certainly not telling my dad about it.

" Never mind that you need to find him. Now."

Third person

"I don't know what to do, I gave him all of my love and he just stepped on it. L-Like it was nothing. I don't understand I did everything I could and it still wasn't enough. I was always the second choice in his eyes. I can't even look at him let alone live with him. I really can't do this anymore." Tears leaked down his face.

"Im here for you, I'm sure my mom will let you stay here if you want to." Shane, being the supportive friend he was, sat and listened as his best friend poured his heart and problems out to him.

" I can't stay here, as much as I done want to ever see him again, I made a deal with his dad..." Joey sighed, his eyebrows furrowed and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"Ok just remember you always have a place to stay here, do you want me to give you a ride to his house?" Shane nicely offered seeing as he was a good distance away.

Joey nodded and slowly arose from Shane's couch, grabbing all of his belongings and walked to the door with his head down. Behind him Shane quietly
sighed, and rubbed his face. He knew Joey deserved better from the beginning, he never liked Daniel that much. And now that his best friend is more broken than he was before, he doesn't like Daniel at all.


" Oh my! Joseph where have you been" Parkers eyebrows lifted in surprise, seeing as it was now later in the night. Him and Shane ended up going out to eat before going to his house.

"Oh I was just at a friends house" Joey slowly explained, then turned around to wave goodbye to Shane who was in his car, that sat on the street.

"Mr. Preda was very worried as to your whereabouts" Parker stepped to the side allowing Joey to walk in the house.  As soon as he walked in, Daniel and Mr. Preda immediately stood up from the couch and looked at him.
"Joseph! Where the hell have you been" Daniels dad walked up to him, very upset with Daniel trailing behind him.

"I just needed time to myself that's all" Joey glanced down at his new nike shoes, trying to avoid the eye contact.

"You could have called or texted me or Parker, or even Daniel" Joey flinched at Daniel name, as the memories from last night flooded in his mind.  Mr. Preda noticed and looked back at Daniel, with confused eyes.

"There is obviously something going on between you too, so I'm going to go. But Joey if you ever do that again you're done." Joeys heart dropped. Daniels eyes widened, and Mr. Preda walked away. Joey ran upstairs to the guest room with tears pouring from his eyes. He sat and cried, until he heard a knock on the door. Daniel slowly opened the door peaking in his head.

"Joey we should talk about what happened"

I was looking through my book drafts and I literally have 2 whole shoey books that I've never published.

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