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Didn't check oops


"Its just that I'm sort of really popular an-" Before I could finish the sentence joey cut me off.

"And you don't want to be seen with the new nerdy kid, yeah I know." My heart dropped as I looked up. I could see the pain in his face.

"No Joey I-" he cut me off again.

"You're sorry I get it. I'm sorry too." He said, his voice cracking. He got up, grabbed his backpack and walked out the door. Doing all this with his eyes on his feet.

"Fuck" I whispered running after him.

Joey was already in the car with the driver. I see his shoulders heaving through the tinted windows. Taking a deep breath I slowly walked to the car. Putting my hand on the handle and slowly opening the back seat door on the other side of Joey.

I could see him shifting away from me in his seat. Causing my heart to dropped even further.


At school

The ride to school was horrible. I feel so bad for hurting my precious baby. I want to apologize so bad but I feel like he needs his space. I feel like if I try the situation will only get worse.


I got out of the car as soon as the car came to a stop. I didn't give him any time to talk to be because this is what he wanted. I'll act like I've never seen him in my life just like he wanted. His popular representation is obviously better than our relationship.

I wiped my tears out of my eyes and looked up at the huge school. Groups of friends laughing, hugging, and reuniting were scattered around the school yard. I could already tell Its going to be hard fitting in.

I can hear Daniels footsteps far behind me. Tears started to well up in my eyes again at the thought of him being embarrassed of me. The footsteps got louder. Seconds later I see Daniel by my side.

"I'll lead us to the office" He mumbled now walking ahead of me.

As we approached the crowd of people, they started moving to the side creating a path for Daniel. They closed the path as soon as he passed by leaving me lost in a sea of people. I try to keep up with Daniel but the next thing I know I'm completely thrown off. I frantically look around for him.

"Are you ok? You seem lost." A random boy with ginger hair said walking closer to me.

"I-im new here and Im trying to find Dan- my friend who was leading me to the office." I said almost slipping up.

"Oh I can do that if you want. My name is Shane by the way. Yours?" Shane smiled ear to ear.

"M-my names Joey." I said looking into his Crystal blue eyes.

"Ok Joey lets go." He grabbed my wrist so I wont get lost again and led my to the office.

"And we're here I'll wait outside so when you're done you can meet my friends!" I nodded turning on my heal walking into the office. The smell of flowers and boxed candy hit my face l. I look up to see smiling staff members all laughing and telling stories about their summers.

"Daniel Preda" I heard a faint voice coming from the other side of the room. There was Daniel standing by the check in desk getting his schedule. I walked up to the desk so I was standing beside him.

"Name?" The blue eyed lady looked me in the eyes. Her bright white teeth smiling at me.

"Joseph Graceffa" I could feel Daniels eyes on me the whole time. The lady rolled over to her computer in her chair and typed up my schedule to print it.

"Joey please talk to me." Daniel whispered. I turned around seeing Shane still standing outside the office through the big glass wall not paying attention.

"What happened to you back there you were with me one second the next I turned around and you were gone." Confusion ran through his eyes.

"People closed the path on me so I got lost. No one clears a path for the nerdy new kid." I turned back around to see Shane with his eyes wide and mouth open.

"Joey liste-"

"No Daniel. Why are you still talking to me. This is what you wanted right?" I see the lady walking back to us with our schedules in both hands.

"Here you go gentleman." I smiled at her and waved.

"Now if you excuse me I have to go meet some people." I sassed and turned on my heel walking towards Shane. I looked up to him to see his eyes widen at Shane.

"You've go to be kidding me. Him?" Daniel groaned.

"Yes he's my friend." I said proud that I had actually made a friend before the first bell even rang.

"He's a lose-"

"Just because hes not a popular like you are doesn't mean hes a loser. If youre going to be like that consider me a loser to. He was there to help me when you left." I walked out the door and to Shane.

"Wha-....That was-... You were just talking to the Daniel Preda. How?" Shane exclaimed baffled.

"I live with him long story." I wanted to avoid that conversation.

"Ok, well lets go meet my friends there at the field." Shane then grabbed my wrist, for the second time today, pulling me towards the door to outside.


"So Joey this is, Drew, Tyler, Connor and Troye. Guys this is Joey." The people waved as he introduced them.

"Hi" my voice shook.


We all sat in the field talking until the first bell rang.

"So Joey are you gay?" Troye blurted his accent strong.

"U-um I-"

"Don't be afaid Connor, Tyler and I are gay and Shane is bisexual." Troye softly explained.

Its going to be nice having a group of friends with people like me. No judgement.

"Yes I am gay." That was the first time I've ever said that so confident.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Trisha asked but was soon slapped by Shane in the arm.

"What just asking." She mumbled

"Its complicated. I do have a boyfriend but he- never mind." I sighed

"wha-" Connor was about to ask.


Saved by the bell.

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