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Fluffy :)

Third person

"I love you joey"

Ever since the day Daniel opened up to Joey, they're relationship has been going strong. Sadly for Daniel, Joey didn't continue the confession. It made Daniel think about if Joey really wanted him. Aware of Daniels state of mind, the smaller boy wasn't sure if he loved Daniel. He's never experienced anything close to love, and didn't know how it worked. However, Daniel quickly got over the situation.

"DANNYY" Joey yelled in the school parking lot after a whole day of not seeing him, Daniel's class had to take a huge test having to stay in their home rooms all day.

"Hi Jojo" Daniel giggled pulling him into a tight hold. Daniel parked in the back corner of the lot where barely any people were so no one was there.

"I missed you soo much" Joey mumbled into Daniel neck, standing slightly on his toes hugging him tight.

"Its only been 7 hours joey" Sighing, Daniel smiled wide loving the affection he was getting.

"I know but I don't like not seeing you for that long" The smaller boy walked around the car and got in, buckling his seatbelt right away.

(Always wear your seatbelts children)

"Well I missed you to" Daniel followed him into the car, copying Joeys actions. Then giving him a quick peck on the lips, causing Joey to whine a little, it not being enough for him.


"Cuddles" Joey pouted laying in bed as Daniel was walking around the room looking for index cards.

"No Joey I have to study" Daniel letting out a breath, finally finding the cards.

"You don't really have to study" Joey emphasized the word have trying to convince Daniel to not study.

"Yes but I have to pass this test" The older boy mocked the other, sitting at his desk beginning to make note cards for his study.

"Fine" Joey pouted a little turning around on their bed so his back was facing Daniel.


Daniel finished his study session after about 2 hours. He turned around in his chair to see Joey curled up in a ball with no blanket. His heart melted at the sight, mentally awing. Daniel put his notes in his school bag, placing it by the door for the next day. The older boy gathered night clothes for both of them, then shaking Joey awake.

"Joey, wake up" Daniel said softly, Joey turning around to face him. Joey was completely oblivious of what was happening, his eye lids so heavy to open, he let out a little whine.

"I'm tired danny" Joey mumbled rubbing his eyes, turning back around. Daniel sighed turning joey back around.

"You have to change and brush your teeth babe." Joey pouted lifting his arms up for Daniel to carry him. Silently agreeing, Daniel carried joey into the bathroom where he got ready for bed.

"I'm done dan dan" Joey said in the smallest voice making his knees buckle at his cuteness. Daniel went to the bathroom and picking up a half-sleeping Joey off the bathroom floor. Daniel didn't even question how Joey got there he just carried him to the bed.

"Gnight Dan I- never mind" Joey stuttered about to say something he wasn't ready to confess.

"night baby Joe" Daniel whispered turning the lamp off, pulling against his body.



Also sorry i haven't updated I've been really busy with cheer and friends and school you know the usual.

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