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T h i r d p e r s o n

"So let me get this straight, you, the new kid is dating the most popular person in the school" Shane gaped for the umpteenth time, walking out of the dark theater.

"Yes Shane its not that hard to understand" Daniel sucked his teeth in annoyance, turning around making sure he hasn't lost his little sister, which he hasn't.

"I'm just, shook this is so weird" Drew pushed Shane as a warning, knowing where he was going with that.

"How is it weird?"Joey hesitated assuming the answer to his question is not going to be good.

"Well its just that Daniel and his friends used to bu-"

"Oh theres a fro-yo stand over there lets go get some." Daniel interrupted with a nervous chuckle.

"No no Shane continue" The curious boy knitted his eyebrows looking back at Daniel, who was trying his hardest not to make any eye contact. All of their other friends scurried away not wanting to be apart of what was coming up.

"Well Daniel and his friends used to, well, bully us"he sped up his words as he reached the end of his statement.

Joey stopped in his tracks, closing his eyes. Daniel sent leah and shane to the fro-yo stand, knowing how his boyfriend feels about bullying. He turned around after making sure Leah made it to the stand to see Joey facing him with anger in his eyes. It was all clear to Joey, now he knew why Daniel called Shane a loser on the first day of school. Why Shane was terrified of Daniel.

"You bullied my friends? You're a bully?" Unbelief ran through Joeys eyes.

"I-I-It was last y-year we don't d-do it anym-more" Daniel responded carefully knowing if he said the wrong thing he wouldn't be in a relationship anymore. Joey looked around, seeing his group of friends carefully watching them.

"Last year? Daniel the first day of school was a week ago." Different types of emotions hitting Joey, some indicated he should brush the situation off, and some indicated he should end this on a bad note.

"I-I'm sorry Joey I'm not lik-" Daniel stuttered trying to get his words out.

"You probably would of continued bullying them if i wasn't here. Am i right? If I left you right now would you? Ruining their lives just because you take whatever emotions you have out on them." Joey was enraged, not believing his boyfriend was that low at one point.

"Joey of course not I-" The taller boy couldn't get his words out, nervous about what can happen next.

"You know what Daniel I'm done with this right now we'll talk about it later." The smaller boy rolled his eyes, turning on his heel to his friends. They all rushed up to Joey, making sure he was ok. Joey explained what happed sneaking peaks at Daniel once in a while. Daniel was scared, he knew something bad was going to happen. The older boy could only think of the worst, leaving him to panic every once in a while at the thought of him and Joey breaking up.


"Bye Guys! See you on Monday!" Joey smiled shutting the door allowing it to drop. His friends had just left after a long day of having fun.

The small boy turned around to see his boyfriend sitting on the couch with his head down. Daniel has been uneasy all day, sick to his stomach about the upcoming event.

"Are you going to break up with me?" The boys voice shaking, tears streaming out of his eyes. Him trying to hide his sobs.

"I don't think I am. You know how I feel about bully's, why didn't you just tell me before, this situation wouldn't have been so extreme." Joey sat on the couch next his crying boyfriend.

"Well what did you expect 'Hi I'm Daniel and I used to bully people' I'm ashamed of it Joey, I regret doing everything. After we got together and you told me about how the people at your old school put you through so much I couldn't bare to tell you I was doing the same to others."

"At least you've changed. I sorry for making you so anxious and wait the whole day. Lets go watch a movie, to take our minds off of this." Joey suggested pulling Daniel upstairs to their room.

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