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One more chapter


The feeling of guilt and anxiety rushed over me as Joey stood in front of me. I know what I did was wrong. I really don't know what came over me that night.  And because of my stupidity, Joey is hurting.

"J-Joey listen I c-can explain myself" I spoke at a high speed and fumbled over every word. I stood up directly in front of him and took slow steps in his direction.

"No, we both know what went down, no need for an explanation. You hurt me Daniel. More than I've ever been hurt before, and that's saying a lot."

"I know, I know. I was just really drunk and it was my coming out party and everyone was ok with it and they all accepted me. I guess the excitement took over me and-" I rambled even faster, convinced that if I get my reasonings out faster, Joey would understand.

"Good for you Daniel!" Joey raised his voice. "I'm happy all of your friends and classmates accepted you for you, I'm happy that coming out was so easy for you." Joey sighed and sat on the bed, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"But it was the opposite for me. When I came out everyone hated me, most of the friends I had ignored me. My parents kicked me out for it. I never knew what it felt like being accepted until I got here. But in my reality, nothing is ever perfect, in the moment you feel like nothing can bring you down but eventually something happens and ruins it all... every time. Our relationship was never permanently perfect, in the beginning you were ashamed of dating me, you didn't want your friends to know about or even speak to me. Daniel I was never perfect for you, I always had to hide things or not be myself. I can't do this anymore."

"No that's not true at all. You are perfect In so many ways I just had to get my confidence up. I never ment to hide you. Reputation was every thing for me but now I'm realizing that you're more important." I still stood in front of him, my knees began to shake uncontrollably along with my hand.

"Daniel my life will never be on track, no matter how hard I try to keep everything stable" Joey sobbed in his hands.

"This relationship will never be the same will it?" I asked as he walked even closer to the teary eyed boy.

Joey looked up at me from his position on the bed. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his eyes were blood shot.

"There is no more relationship, there is no more us. We can't be together anymore. I can't be hurt anymore." My heart dropped, warm tears streamed from my eyes faster, my chest started heaving. Joey got up and walked into the guest room.

We are really done.


3 weeks later
Third person

"Joseph! I need you to come here" Mr. Preda yelled from his office. 

Since Daniel and Joey broke up, Joey stopped going to school and working for Mr.Preda. He's just been sulking around his room.

Daniel on the other hand, is recovering way faster than Joey. In the first week he was broken. Didn't talk to any of his friends and he stopped participating in school. But as time went by, he got over it. Daniel started to socialize while Joey was still broken.

Joeys antidepressant stop working, he didn't know what to do anymore. He was suffocating and didn't know how to come up for air.

"Yes mister?" Joey sat in a chair across from his desk. Bags were gathered under his red eyes.

"Joey I don't know what has been going on with you lately but I'm going to have to let you go.  You have to move back with your parents"

Everything was falling apart.

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