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"Down the hall, last door to the right." I said opening my laptop

I barely finished my sentence and he ran out of the room. I hope he's ok. I was kind of harsh on him. He doesn't seem like a bad guy either. Plus he's really cute. After a while of waiting, I walked to the bathroom to check on him when I heard sobs coming from inside. I was about to say something but I heard the doorknob jiggle so I quickly ran to my room pretending to be on my laptop. Joey walked back into the room with his head down, sniffing a little.

"Joey!" I heard my dad call him from down stairs.

Joey quickly got up and went down the stairs.


I ran out of the room, being uncomfortable in Daniels presents.

"Joey, this is Aliyah my 8 year old daughter" Nicholas smiled at me, putting Alliyah in front of him letting me see her. She had brown hair an green eyes, almost identical to Daniel.

"Hello!" I squatted down to her level giving her a hand shake, causing her to smile at me.

"Hi! Were gonna be best friends ok?" She bounced on her toes a little, obviously excited to have a new person in the house.

"I have to go to my movie set to start filming. I will be gone until around 5am. Parker will be here until 8 pm then he's off for the day. Also Aliyah will be sleeping over at her friends house today but don't worry about that, Parker is taking her before he leaves. Bye Joseph"

I waved goodbye as he left. I will be stuck with Daniel in a couple of hours alone, and he hates me.

"so Aliyah what do you want to do." I smiled looking in her eyes.

"I want to watch Spongebob!" She yelled, pulling me into the theater room and turned on the cable box. I sat down in the front next to Aliyah. I don't really watch TV but I rather do this than stay in the room with Daniel. After about 1 full episode I hear stomping coming from the stairs.

"What are you doing with my sister" Daniel yelled through his teeth, causing me to freeze I hate when people yell. Plus he's really intimidating.

"Come on Leah lets go to the park." He picked up his sister storming out of the room, leaving me alone. After about 5 minutes of sitting there I decided to get up and join Daniel and Aliyah at the park.I said goodbye to Parker and walked to the park. When I arrived I saw Daniel and Aliyah playing on the swings.

"Hi guys" I said in a low tone, feeling Daniels eyes burning through my head.

"JOEYYY" Aliyah screamed in excitement, hopping off the swing running to me.

"why the fuck are you here." Daniel growled, covering Aliyah's ears.

"I just wanted to enjoy being outside with people I know." Joey hesitated realizing he sounded like an idiot.

"I do not enjoy you being here." He grabbed Aliyah leading her to his car an drove off. I heard a loud boom and it started to rain.

I couldn't handle it anymore l burst into tears. I have already had people hating me and wanting me to die. Now Daniel he probably wouldn't care less if I died right now.. No One would. I wish his dad would've let me die In that ditch.


I just made the cover.




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