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High joey ^


"Daniel you fuck up" I mumbled to myself as I sat in my back garden looking at the large pond in front of me. This always happens to me, I find someone I really like but I manage to scare them away at some point in the relationship.

"Dan Dan" a tiny voice came from behind me, causing me to turn around revealing my little sister.

"Whats wrong Danny? Where's jo jo?"

"Its fine Leah, Dan just messed up again" I sighed, I tell my sister everything that happens to me. Yes she's young and might not understand but I trust her with everything.

"Its ok danny, Joey really likes you. He told me!" Leah giggled a bit.

"Really, Did he say anything else?" I questioned, not knowing Joey and his little sister were so close.

"I'm not supposed to tell you but he said that one day he wants to-" Alliyah started but was soon cut off by the front door closing.

"Never mind bye Dan Dan!" She looked behind her, scurrying off. Leaving me very curious about what he told her.

Third Person

"Daniel?" Joeys voice echoed in the house behind Daniel, his footsteps getting closer to him. "Daniel where are yo- oh"

"Joey listen I'm-"

"We need to have a talk, its nothing bad" Joey walked down the stone path to the bench Daniel was sitting on.

" I really like you Daniel, a lot. But its hard to not be irritated with you when you blow up my phone every hour with messages asking if I'm ok. It makes me feel warm inside knowing that I have a caring boyfriend but, I need my own time to myself." Daniel knows he going to have to finally open up to his boyfriend. Daniel has never told anyone about what happened to him, and he never planned on doing so.

"I-I have to t-tell you something, y-you have to promise not to tell a-anyone about this." Daniels voice shook, as of this was the first time he was ever telling anyone this information. Joey shifted closer to the unstable boy next to him giving his as much comfort as possible.

"Well, it was a c-couple years ago, when my friends first started having parties. It was my second house party and the night was going amazing. All of a sudden I-I got super light headed and dizzy so I went up t-to my friends room to lie down because I wasn't in the proper state to drive. I was in there for about 10 minutes when someone c-came in and," Daniel was shaking and crying at this point, but he continued knowing this is best for him.

"It w-was my friends sister, she had always had a huge crush on my and she got to me at my weakest state. S-she ejected something in my arm which caused me to dose off. One moment she was on top of m-me the next she was naked, a-and" At this point, Daniel couldn't continue. The flashbacks were getting too intense for his liking, making him feel like he was reliving the situation.

"Oh my god Danny I'm so sorry. I'm such a fucking asshole to you. I don't deserve you." Joey choked back his words, shocked at what he was hearing.

"I love you" Daniel blurted out

"You what?"

First of all lol ty all for following me.

There will probably be about 10-15 more chapters in this book. I have a lot planned its going to get crazy. Im still deciding if I want to make a sequel.


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