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Ever since the 'accident' my life has been going down hill.
My family doesn't want me anymore so now I'm living on the streets of L.A. I started cutting and developed deep depression. I honestly don't want to live right now.

Some how I ended up walking on the side of the road. The next moment I was laying in a ditch. Hearing crickets next to me and mosquitoes flying around me, I began to doze off.

"Hey! Kid are you ok?" He said walking up to me, causing me to slowly get up from my spot to see a man in a nice looking suit.

"U-U-m.." I said sheepishly scared he was a killer or something

"Do you have a home?" He asked, I shook my head no.

"Where are your parents" he wondered

"They don't want me anymore" I said quietly

"How come?" The man asked very curious

"Because I'm gay." I felt a tear drop on my cheek, the subject being to sensitive for my liking.

"How long ago did they kick you out? " he continued to question me

"Two weeks ago" I said as I felt another tear drop.

"Would you like to come live with Me and my son you can't stay out here forever."

He's my only hope to live right now so of course I accepted his offer. We walked to his car and I sat in the front seat. It felt so good. I haven't sat anywhere but on benches and the ground for the past 2 weeks.

"Oh and by the way my name is Nicholas Preda and I'm a Director" he introduced himself

"I'm Joey. Joey Graceffa."

"How old are you Joey" he seemed curious

"I'm 16" I responded quietly, still nervous about this situation, being in a car with someone I don't even know.

"Oh wonderful so is my son Daniel!" he exclaimed.

"We are going to get you cleaned up then you are going shopping for some new clothes with my butler"

2 hours later

I arrived at this huge house. It was 20x bigger than the house I used to live in. Apparently Nicholas wanted me to be a butler too. I didn't care as long as I have a good home. Parker, the man who took me shopping told me all about Nicholas and his son Daniel. I walked up to the door a waited for Parker to open it .

"Are you ready Joey" Parker said

"More than I will ever be"

He opened the door and when I saw the inside of the house I almost passed out, I have Never seen a house so big and beautiful.

"Joey! Hello how was shopping" Nicholas asked, walking closer to me.

"Good" I whispered, keeping my eyes glued to my feet.

"Great. Do you want to meet my son Daniel" he asked as Parker took my bags upstairs.

I nodded still looking at the wood floor. What if wonder he is cute. I hope he's not an asshole to me, I've delt with that enough in my life.

Nicholas knocked on the door, hearing a very faint "Come in" he opened it.

"Daniel I would like you to meet Joseph" He stepped to the side and pushed me closer to Daniels bed.

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation I was lost In Daniels looks

He is so beautiful

His eyes are a perfect shade of green

His hair is set perfectly on his head

His lips are so plump-

"Names Daniel, nice to meet you" he stated clearly annoyed, he pulled me from my trance. Good job Joey you already fucked It up, you haven't even known the boy for 30 seconds and he already doesn't like me.

"Joey" I said nervously

"Daniel, Joseph will be sleeping in your room until further notice. Understand. Now you two get to know each other." Then he left out the door.

"Listen. I don't want you in my house but I have no choice. Stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't even make eye contact with me. Got it." He threatened

"Got it" I choked back, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"W-w-where I-I-s th-he b-bathroom" I stuttered

I needed to get out of that room.

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now