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"ok what do you want to know." Joey asked with a huge smile planted on his face, turning to face me.

"everything" I smirked staring into his beautiful eyes.

"ok well.. um I'm gay Obviously. My parents hate me because of it. I lived in the streets for a while when my parents kicked me out. Uh, my favorite color is green. I love anime and uh I went through depression for a long time." Joey shifted in his spot, giving me a small side smile. Wow. Now I feel really really bad for being a bitch to him. He has had a horrible life. And I basically made it worse.

"Daniel, I know what you're thinking about and don't worry about it I'm fine." He gave me a pat on the arm.

"Most of the time when people say "I'm fine" they're not. Please just open up to me Joey. You can trust me." I shifted closer to him.

"how would you like to be mistreated everyday by different people calling you horrible names it hurts." He started to get louder

"HOW would YOU like to be kicked out by your own fucking parents that now hate you. How would you like to live on the streets for weeks having no where to go or sleep, barely having any food to survive." He exploded breaking down into tears on my lap.


I don't know where that sudden outburst came from. But i feel much better now that I got it out if my system. I started to regret yelling at him.

"I'm so sorry dan-" I quickly apologized, wiping my tears.

"Its fine you needed it." He reassured, running his fingers through my hair.

"no. I shouldn't have let all of my emotions out on you"

" its ok joey. Really" Daniel smiled, as i sat up.

"ok.. Tell me about you" I cleared the tears from my face, turning towards Daniel once again. After an hour if talking we got bored and decided to watch something on Netflix in his room. Daniel chose a movie and we sat next to each other.

"Daniel?" I spoke quietly.

"ya?" I hesitated to ask him the question I was thinking.

"why were you so mean to me when I first came." I could tell he didn't want to answer.

"I don't have a good history with past helpers so I cant trust everyone. I'm really sorry"

Next day


I woke up without Joey on my chest. Standing up, i walked around to go look for him.

"Joey" I called out

After about 7 minutes of searching the house I decided to check outside. I saw Joey sitting on the bench in the garden staring at the flowers. I went up to him and sat on the bench. He looked at me with his big blue eyes

"Good morning beautiful" I said staring into his big gorgeous eyes. I don't know why, but all of my confidence and feelings came out. I realized that I like Joey and I want him to be mine.

"Morning Dann- uh Daniel" Joey stuttered on his words. He was going to call me Danny but he stopped himself.

"Why are you out here alone Jojo" i asked curious as to why he'd been out here so early in the morning.

"Just thinking, about life" He said in the smallest voice making my heart flutter.

Then it was silent for a while. Suddenly a huge boost of confidence ran through my body

"Joey. I like you. A lot"

"Daniel I-"

KK END of chapter

I changed the writing style in the middle of the chapter and idk why.

I also didn't spell or grammar check so ya




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