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I walked home slowly. In the rain. Sobbing. I can't do this anymore. I feel like I'm just a waste of space, of air. I reached to the house gates I type in the code, the gate opened. I walked into the house, tears still pouring down my face, to see Daniel in the kitchen Baking cookies. We made brief eye contact and his eyes softened when he saw me bawling.

"Joey.. I'm so sorry" He whispered, I guess he does have a soft side. Ignoring his statement, I ran up stairs into our room.

After a while of sitting on the edge of the bed I walked into the bathroom grabbed a razor and made 3 deep cuts on my arm. When I was done I wrapped it then went to the closet and put on a long fuzzy pink sweater. I don't know if its mine because me and Daniel share a closet but I don't care. I walked down the stairs trying to avoid Daniel.

"are you ok joey?" Aliyah asked running up to me giving me a hug.

"I'm fine." I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes, hugging her back.

"if you are fine why are you cryin?" She asked her voice getting higher.

"Well sometimes when people make you feel bad you cry. And someone made me feel really bad." I looked up to see Daniel staring at me, me quickly turning back to Aliyah.

"Aliyah. Come on honey we have to drop you off at Lexi's house." Parker commanded, Aliyah bag in his hand.

"Ok, Bye Joey feel better! Bye Danny!" She cheer and ran out of the door.

"Bye Boys I will see you bright and early tomorrow." Parker nodded at us then left. Daniel was still staring at me.
And I was looking at the wood floor, it was becoming a regular thing for me.

"You're wearing my shirt." Daniel said softly not wanting to scare Joey more than he already is.

"I-I'm sorry I w-will take it o-off" I stuttered grabbing the hem of the shirt.

"no! You look adorable in it, I mean uh" I blushed still looking at the floor.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" Daniel walked closer to me, the point where our bodies were almost touching.

"y-you said I couldn't." I took a step back, him taking a step forward.

"Forget what I said.. I was being a complete jerk" I nodded,

"come sit." He patted the couch. I made my way over to him and sat next to him.

"lets get to know each other." He cheesed

Ok I had to update. B4 i went to sleep

I didn't spell check.



Twitter: @Ytggraceffa

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