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"Joey... oh my god" my mom was nearly in tears

I slowly started backing up to make an escape.

"Joey please we've lost you once we don't want to lose you again." My dad said softly

I cant believe this. They kicked me out. I didn't want to leave.

"Did you think I wanted to go? You kicked me out. You were cruel you don't say or do stuff like that to your child." I whispered angry

"We are really sorry. I don't know what we were thinking. We were in shock. Please come back" she tried to convince me but it wasn't working.

"No. No way in hell am I coming back. After that I have no idea what you'll do to me." I started backing up again.

"No way in hell am I risking going through that horrible experience again. I somehow survived on the streets for almost 2 weeks. You obviously don't know how much it hurt for your own parents not to except you for who you are." I was two seconds away from bolting out of there

The next thing I remember was my mom opening her mouth to speak. But something inside me clicked this whole situation was insane. So I turned around and ran.

After about a good 10 minutes of non-stop running my eyes started drooping. My anxiety was taking over. My body started shutting down. My legs went numb, my arms went floppy.

Ring ring ring

I collapsed on the ground gathering all of my strength to pick up my phone.


"Joey? Joey are you ok?" A panicked voice came through the phone

"Daniel please.." I was so dehydrated and exhausted I couldn't finish.

"Joey.. oh my god where are you? You've been gone for hours." I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Dani I need help.. I cant, I can't move, I can barely breath, please help." I felt so helpless.

"Calm down babe. Tell me where you are." I can tell he was trying not to freak

"I'm by, I'm in the middle of town.. about 5 minutes away from home... by the movie theater." I struggled to speak

"Ok stay with me please I'll bring your anxiety medicine everything will be alright."

5 minutes later

"Joey.. Joey? Joey where are you?" His voice was soft I could hear his foot steps coming closer.

I groaned in response my eyes still closed I felt to weak to do anything. Panic attacks really drain all of your energy.

"Jo- oh my god" I felt him run up to me and pick me up carrying me bridal style.

"It'll be ok babe your medicine is in the car we'll be home soon" he soothed

He started walking it didn't take long for us to get into his car.

"Jojo I need you to open your eyes so you can take this." I love him so much. He cares for me like we've known each other forever.

I slowly opened my eyes causing me them to shut right away due to the bright light shining in my face. I took a few moments then opened them again. I sat up to see Daniel right in front of me with a tiny pill and water bottle in his hands.

I took the pill and water and slowly swallowed it.

At home

"I really really like you joey a lot" Daniel said once we got settled down in our bed.

"I really really like you a lot to Daniel."

"Well" he sat up.


Sorry it took me so long to update

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Next update soon... maybe idk lol

I didn't spell check

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now