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"To the party"

"Ha ha very funny Joseph you're not going to the party" I sassed

"Why not!" I could tell he was getting upset

"Because i said so." I said trying to end the conversation.

"You don't own me!" He was getting so flustered and i had no idea why.

"I might not but my father does" I sassed again.

"Whatever." He muttered curse word as he stomped up the stairs into our room slamming the door.

I decided to give him space

30 Minutes later

"Joey?" I said knocking on the bedroom door.

No answer.

"Im sorry for being so strict I just don't want anything happening to you" i explained

Still nothing.

I opened to door to reveal an empty room.

Holy shit. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Did he go to the party? The window by the bed was open. I scramble to grab my phone and call him.




"Hello?" He answered like nothing happened

"Joey where the fuck are you! I swear on the genies if you went to that party.." I stated worried sick.

"I didn't go to the party calm down. I just need some air. I'm sorry I got so upset. I'll be home soon. Bye danny." I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

Once I hung up I heard my name being called. I jog down the stairs to meet my dad

"Yes dad?"

"As you know I am filming my movie. Well part of the movie takes place in Canada so we have to go up there for a couple months. I will come back a couple times. Im leaving right now. Parker will take care of you when im gone. Remember he has the weekends off and he leaves everyday at 8 pm and comes back at 6am. Oh and I left a couple thousand in your bank account. Bye Dan tell joey and Aliyah I said bye. I sighed mentally. I wish he wouldn't leave so much.


I was at a park on the other side of town. The side of town I used to live in. I decided to go to the park my mom used to take me when I was sad.

I know Daniel was worried about me that's why I answered his call and told him I would be back soon. I know thats not the truth because it takes 30 minutes to get back to the house and I will be here for a couple more hours.

As I was sitting in my favorite spot by the pond I heard a familiar voice behind me. The voice was speaking to another one. It sounded sad, like the person has regret.

"I regret every thing I said to him. We kicked him out! He wasn't ready for that, he needed support and we just kicked him out! I'm such a horrible parent.." a female voice cried

" I know sweetie. We were just shocked. I'm sure he's fine. We will see him someday." The male voice reassured

All of their words came rushing to my head. I knew who they were.

I slowly stood on my feet and turned around to see my parents behind me.

They turned to me and their eyes lit up as they sprinted towards me.

"Joey?! Oh my god sweetie I'm so sorry. How have you been? Are you ok? Do you have anywhere to stay? Are you livin-" all of her questions began fading away.

I just stood there frozen, not being able to do anything but stare into space.

I just stood there frozen, not being able to do anything but stare into space

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