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Third Person

"Joey? A-are you ok?" Daniel whispered through the door, not wanting to upset the smaller boy more.

Joey held his breath wanting Daniel to think he was asleep. He wasn't in the mood to talk, all he wanted was to be alone. Though Daniel knew he was still awake he sighed and walked back to his room, a tear dropping from his eye.


The next day

"Ok cool I'll see you guys tomorrow. Don't let it be like last time or my dad will have my head." Daniel had just invited his friends to his father's party the next day. He still felt bad for being so mean to Joey. The whole morning the smaller boy was silent, except when he had to talk to Parker for preparing breakfast.

Joey not talking had the whole house silent. That household is naturally very serious due to Mr. Preda being one of the biggest Hollywood directors. He is a very serious man, when he's not with his family. When he's in his office working, which was the case this morning, the house is very plain. All of the people around him like butler's and maids catch on to that serious aura he releases from his office. But Joey was the one person, along with Alliyah, to brighten up the house more. He would always make little jokes or be laughing.

"Hey Shane where's Joey? I haven't seen him at all today" Daniel heard Connor talking to Shane from behind him.

"I don't know he didn't text me this morning like he usually does. Maybe hes sick" Shane tried to figure out the reason while Connor looked around in his spot.
Both boys walked away leaving Daniel very confused. He had saw Joey at breakfast this morning and he saw him go out the door. Daniel knew for a fact Joey was at school but where?

As Daniel decided to go look for his boyfriend the lunch bell rung and people came crowding into the halls. Daniel rushed through the stareing people, finally making it through the back doors. He went to go out into the field to look for Joey but a sniffle from the opposite direction caught his attention. Daniels body jerked around toward the direction of the noise. As he approached the corner of the building he saw Joey. Quickly Daniel ran up to the smaller boy and embraced him.

"Jesus Joey where have you been I've been worried sick?" Daniel wanted to shout but he knew his boyfriend wasn't in the best mood.

"I just needed a break. But I'm done now" Joey put a tiny smile on his face trying to convince Daniel.

"Are you sure? I'm so sorry I don't know why but everything goes to my head sometimes and I can't control what I say. I really do care for this relationship and I do see a future in us." Daniel looked confused as he tried to process his feelings and mind set.

"It's fine Daniel I'm fine. See look happy" Joey said and forced a smile to his face. Daniel knew Joey wasn't really ok but he just went along with it not wanting Joey to get upset with him more.

"Come on lets go back in." Daniel stood and grabbed Joeys hand pulling him off the ground. The smaller boy giggled a little pulling himself out of that sad mood he was just in. The smile on Daniels face dropped has they got closer to the school. Daniel wanted to stay outside all day. He was tired of everyone staring at him or trying to talk to him. He just wanted to be with his boyfriend. The guy he doesn't deserve. Daniel knows how he treats Joey is wrong. Daniel knows the boy is too fragile and sensitive and is trying everything in his power to not say anything stupid. He just wants Joey to be happy.

I'M SO SO SORRY. I wanted to update so many times but I just didn't want to write. I didn't have the time either. All I've been doing lately is Cheer and I have a a competition on Saturday and Sunday. But here it is. I hope you guys enjoyed.

Valet || Janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now