Chapter 21: Unlikely Alliance

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Batman's Island
Sunday, September 5
9:35 a.m.
Once the couple was ready, they headed downstairs to the Batcave II where everyone else had gathered. They stood next to Hawkgirl as Superman was preparing to speak.

"You're all aware that last night Luthor proposed for an alliance to be made between us to stand against Warstrom." The Man of Steel began. "And even if not many agree or find this insane, I for one believe we should."

"But to be fair, I wish to hear those that might favor the alliance." With that said, Flash, Giganta, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Doctor Fate, Element Woman, Hawkgirl, Mister Miracle, Big Barda, and Vigilante were the ones in favor.

   The rest clearly had their doubts about the alliance. Batman, however, was the only one who had a mutual feeling about the idea, but had nothing to say.

  "There's only a single reason why I'm against the idea and it's because they're bad guys." Green Arrow shared his opinion, one the other heroes that opposed had.

  "We could be risking our lives by going there. What if their plan is to finish Gaines' job and get rid of us?" Huntress added.

   Superman looked at the heroes, nodding as he understood their viewpoints. "It might seem that way, don't get me wrong I doubt myself." Clark admitted to his fellow heroes.

"But this has been the greatest calamity we face. And to those of you who don't agree of the alliance, stay here because none are being forced into this."

The heroes against the alliance looked at one another after hearing Superman. Green Arrow took a step forward with Black Canary.

"If you think this could work, then we're with you." The Emerald Archer said. "We all gotta stick together in this one."

A small smile came to the Man of Steel's face as he received the agreement of the rest. "Then we contact Luthor now and see."

"Bruce, get Lex on the line." Batman powered his computer to communicate with the bald man. Seconds later Luthor appeared on the screen.

"I assume you have made your decision. Which is it?" Luthor asked, looking at Batman then at Superman.

"We're with you. Where do we meet?" The Man of Steel replied, making Lex Luthor smirk.

"I believe you've made the correct decision. To be frank, I didn't expect you to agree." Lex said with a chuckle. "I'll send you the coordinates to my location, Batman."

Batman received on his device a message containing the given location. "I know where that is. We'll be there shortly then."

Lex Luthor nodded. "Then I'll be waiting for your arrival." The computer screen went black as Luthor ended communication.

"Wait, how will we all get their? Are going to teleport because we all don't fit in two Javelins." Stargirl asked, wondering who they will reach Luthor's island.

The Caped Crusader typed on the keyboard of the computer. On the floor, a hatch open to reveal a platform with seven circles on it.

  "Those look like the teleporters back on the Watchtower." Stargirl said. "Will we be using those to reach Luthor's location?"

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