Chapter 30: Traitor Among Us

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   A giant smog covered the island, providing the heroes cover to escape from the Warstrom forces.

   Superman shook his head as he awoke. "What? What's going on?" He had woken up to the screams and cries of Giganta.

  "Flash was taken captive." Martian Mahunter answered. "He gave me time to bring you back to the Imperial."

   The Man of Steel became saddened with the thought. Flash risked for him to escape and now Giganta's in distress.

   Rising from the seat, Superman motioned for J'onn to follow him to the cockpit to meet with Batman and Lex Luthor.

"Alfred, I'm coming back to the island. We'll need more rooms prepared for more guest." The Dark Knight informed his butler through an intercom.

"Oh Lord. I'll be right on it, sir." Alfred replied, cutting the transmission to begin organizing more rooms for the heroes and villains.

Superman and Martian joined Batman and Luthor in the cockpit. "Batman, we need to talk." The Man of Steel said, taking a seat next to them.

  "What happened? I can hear the crying." The Dark Knight asked, glancing at the Man of Steel and Last Son of Mars.

"It's Giganta. She's crying because Flash was taken captive." Martian Manhunter replied with a sigh. "We got overpowered by Superboy and bought me time to bring Superman to the ship."

Batman turned his gaze to the back of the ship, seeing all the crying and screaming Giganta was doing. "That explains that I suppose."

"I'd hate to say it but the kid's gone. Sadly, there is nothing we can do for him now." Luthor commented, earning glares from the trio.

"Don't you repeat that phrase again or I'll make you regret it, Luthor." Superman spat, outraged by his remark.

   For the rest of the flight, no one said a word. Yet, Doris' cries could still be heard and her friends tried to comfort her.

Arriving, Batman landed the Imperial inside of Batcave II. Once docked, the exit hatch of the ship opened for the heroes and villains to exit.

   Once all exiting, the heroes made their way up from the Batcave II up to the inner mansion.

   Batman opened the door and entered through the living room and could see Alfred waiting for them in an armchair. "How delightful seeing you all well, sir. I can imagine you're all exhausted."

   The heroes had taken a seat in the seats and couch to discuss matters. Giganta decided to bolt off to her room, to cry over Wally. "Doris, wait!" Cheetah wanted to catch up but Superman stopped her.

  "Don't. She needs the time alone." Superman said to her, suggesting she needed to be alone.

   Barda also chose to go up to her room to mourn over the death of her husband, Scott. Supergirl hadn't still copped with Batgirl's death and remained excluded from everyone. 

Everyone settled in, preparing for a discussion to begin. "That ambush was quite a surprise. In fact, I still don't know how they found us." Luthor said.

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