Chapter 7:

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~Luke's POV~
I couldn't fall asleep. I just kept thinking about the kiss. I know that I shouldn't be but I can't get my mind off it. When Skip told us about Bryanna and her brother it really got to me. I felt so angry. I don't know about the other boys but I know Jai and I felt the need to kill a bitch. It's 12:45 right now and we have to wake up at 3:00 to leave the house at 5:00 and we should arrive in L.A. At 6:00 pm. So I should probably get some sleep. I wonder if Bryanna's asleep.

~Bryanna's POV~
I woke up at 12:45 and I really couldn't fall back asleep I changed out of my onesie and just kept my nike pros and my cami on. I hope the dreams stop when we go to L.A. Because I really want to enjoy myself. So I just went over to my computer desk and started recording myself saying things in Spanish to give to the guys and Macy so that on the plane they can listen to it and I can hopefully get some real sleep. I was half way into a sentence when there was a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it.

"Hey" Luke said. "Can't sleep either?" He asked. I bit my lip and shook my head slightly. Biting my lip was a habit that I've picked up from Luke. He had always done it when he was nervous or anxious.

"Did you want something? Not to be rude but?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I um wanted to ask you something." He said and I invited him into my room. I closed the door while he sat at the end of my bed. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm recording myself speaking in Spanish so you guys and Macy can listen to it during the flight." I said and he nodded looking around my room. "Is that the question you wanted to ask?" I asked him.

"No. Um I actually wanted to ask if I could sleep in here? I tried falling asleep in Skips room but I wasn't all that tired. And if I was I wouldn't be able to because of the snores." He said and I chuckled.

"Yeah sure. Just don't drool on my pillows." I said and turned around on my desk chair while I heard Luke get comfortable in my bed. "sí por favor means yes please." I said into the microphone and saved the recording of myself to my email and sent it to the guys and Macy. When I was finished I closed my laptop and went to my bed.

"Hey" Luke said as I finally got comfortable next to him.

"Hey" I said back. "How are you and Brittany?" I asked trying to start a conversation to tire us out.

"Good." He replied very vague. "How are you and Jax?" He asks.

"Um... I really don't know. He's been..." I paused.

"Different? Distant? Weird?" Luke finished my sentence.

"Yeah. Something like that." I replied. Then it got silent. It was comfortable at first but then it got awkward. "Can I ask you something?" I asked him sitting up in my bed and turning on my desk top lamp so I can see his face.

" yeah. Shoot." Luke said and sat up turning on the other lamp on my other desk.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked. "Twice? I mean the first time you and Brittany weren't together. But today. You kissed me and then you went and kissed Brittany. Why?" I asked. I know I probably just made things more awkward but I needed to know the truth.

"Bryanna." He paused. "The first time I kissed you was a heat of the moment. I mean. I did like it. And I'm pretty sure you did too. But today was... I can't say right now. But just know that maybe when we're in L.A. You'll find out the truth." Luke answered looking into my eyes with every word he said. Telling me what he meant is true. Then he did something that I knew was coming. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him and attached our lips. At first it hurt because my lip was still hurting. But then I got used to it. I climbed on top of his lap so that I was straddling him and he laid down roaming his hands up and down my legs and back while I tangled my hands into his hair. We were having a full on make-out session.

"Wait. Luke. Stop." I said between kisses and Luke stopped.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No Luke it's not you. It's Jax. I can't do this to him." I said still sitting on top of Luke's stomach.

"Bry if you know what's best for you you'd drop him before we go to L.A. So you won't get hurt anymore." He said looking at me with guilt and sincere in his eyes.

"What? Why would I do that?" I asked a little angry getting off of him and standing on his side of the bed.

"I can't tell you. You have to find out for yourself. And trust me all us boys want to tell you what's going on but we can't." He said getting off the bed and putting his hands around my waist. I know it's wrong. But I think I like him. Whenever we touch I get tingles in my spine. But he's a player and the only thing he'll do is break me.

"I don't understand why you ca-" I started to say but Luke cut me off by crashing his lips on to mine.

"You'll have to see for yourself." He said and picked me up and put me in the bed and he climbed in himself. "Now get some sleep." He said and turned off the lamp. I did the same to mine.

"We will sexy. When we're done with you" Jacob said then he stuck his hands down my pants.

"Ahhhhh" I screamed and shout up.

"Bry what's wrong? Are you okay?" Luke asked turning on the light and put his hand on my thigh. I shook my head and started to cry. "You had the dream again?" He asked and I nodded. "Bry look at me." He said moving my head upward so that our eyes were meeting. "As long as the boys and I are here no one will hurt you the way they did. Okay? Do you trust me?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay now go back to sleep." He said shutting the light off and pulling me down with him. My head resting on his chest and my legs tangled with his. My hands clinging onto his shirt for dear life while his arms wrap around my waist holding tight to ensure me that he's here for me.

~Luke's POV~
"Ahhhh" Bryanna yelled from beside me. I turned on the light and turned my attention to Bry.

"Bry what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked. And she shook her head and started to cry. I felt so bad for her. I just wanted to take the bad memories and pain away from her. I was telling her about how the boys and I are here for her and that we won't let anyone hurt her the way Jacob, Will, and her brother did. She seemed a little bit calm when I told her this. I pulled her down with me after turning off the light. She was holding on to my shirt for dear life with her head on my chest and her legs tangled with mine. I had a tight grasp on her waist with my arms. I'm not going to let go tonight. I already know. And something tells me that she isn't either. I kissed the top of her head and looked at the ceiling and I heard light snores. That was my que to fall back asleep. After all it was 2:00 am. And we have to wake up in an hour.

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