Chapter 27

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-Bryanna's POV-

It's midnight now and everyone went to sleep after they all ate the chocolate covered strawberries. I changed into a bathing suit and made my way towards the stairs. I peek into Luke's room to see if he was there because when we got home I couldn't find him and I just let it be, thinking he wanted time for himself. As I open the door I don't hear his light snores, I open it wider and I don't see him. I close it, thinking maybe he is with one of the guys in their room because before they all go to bed they play a round of fifa.

Satisfied with my explanation I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I turn on the jacuzzi from the switch next to the patio door. I gather some of the strawberries and wine and make my way out.

"Ash, Wolf. Come on." I say patting my leg for them to come out with me for a swim. I'll bathe them in the morning.

As they climb out their cage and through the sliding patio door they race each other to the pool. Ash looks at it intensely and sticks his paw in checking if it's cold, Wolf comes behind him and pushes him in making me giggle as he jumps in after. They swim around playing with the toys in the water far away from each other as I get into the hot tub. I let the soothing hot jets pulse my body as I sit back and relax. I take a sip of my wine and start to think about everything that's happened in the last month.

Jax and I broke up because he was cheating on me with my bestfriend. My bestfriend went behind my back and started dating my boyfriend. I broke up with both of them but I forgave them and moved on. My trainer would be so proud of me. I almost killed Brittany for disrespecting me. I went to the hospital and got stitches. I made out with Luke. I'm giving him a trial out of this relationship. I got my lip pierced.

As I think about my lip I come to the conclusion that it's not me and I take it out. I place it on the side of the hot tub and pick up a strawberry and eat it. I come to the conclusion that I want a belly ring and my nose pierced. That's more me. I make note of it to do it before we leave.

I sit in the hot tub for a little longer before heading towards the pool. As I make my way over I look through the door and see Luke tumble inside with a bottle of vodka attached to his hand. He doesn't see me, he just keeps walking upstairs. I leave him be and sit down next to the pool putting my feet in. Wolf and Ash plop down next to me laying both their heads on either leg as I pet them simultaneously. Then I start to think about what James said. Does Luke really want me? Or am I just another one of the girls he can cross off in his play book. Although Skip warned everyone not to mess with me in that way because I was his sister and they were his brothers so that's kind of breaking bro-code. He didn't bother because he knew they all had a crush on me since the day I walked into the Brook's house. Even skip, but he got over it as our parents were getting married. He knew that the day would come where one of them would ask me out and because of who I am I wouldn't be able to say no. So he left it up to me. And now, I don't know what I'm doing.

"Hey Bry," I turn around and match the voice to the face, "can I join you?" Jax asked.

"Yeah." I said looking back at the dogs.

"What you doing out here on your own?" He asks sitting next to Ash who was on the right of me.

"Just wanted to take a swim to think." I said lowering mnyself into the water. "How bout you? Can't sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, something like that." He says lowering himself in. "What you thinking about?"

"Um..." I paused contemplating telling him the real reason, "thinking about getting my nose pierced before we go back." I partially lied.

"Oh, you took your lip ring out huh." He said looking intensely at my lips.

"Yeah, it wasn't me." I said moving away as he got closer.

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