Chapter 25

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-Bryanna's POV-
As we pulled up to the house my anxiety kicked in 10 times more.

"Will Luke tell?" I thought.

I mean he won't but the way I am I probably will tell them by just walking into the house. You see I'm a very strong girl but sometimes I forget that and I let this scared 5 year old run my body with fear of everything. Even her own shadow.

"Are you gonna say anything?" I ask.

"No, why would I?" He said looking at me as he shut the car off. "The question is, are you gonna let them see what happened?"

"Luke-I-I" I stuttered.

"What's wrong babygirl."

"You're getting blurry Luke" I said right before I passed out.

-Lukes POV-
"Fuck" I said.

I hopped out the car and jogged over to her side. As I picked her up I tried to come up with a whole bunch of excuses to tell the guys what happened.

"She was upset, so I took her to the beach." They'll believe that, they know how much she loves the beach and how much it calms her down. But what do I say about her face? That she fell? She does have sensitive skin and maybe a fall could make a bruise like that, but the guys aren't dumb. They'll know. Maybe I should just tell them the truth.

With Bryanna in my arms it was hard to hold the bags of snacks she had picked from the store. I only saw her grab a couple things but obviously not the other things as she yelled at me to leave her alone. And knowing Bry she grabs anything in the store when she just wants to leave. I get to the door and I kick it with my foot so that someone can open the door because I was unable to reach the doorbell. As I paitently wait for someone to open the door I realize that it's been alomst 20 minutes.

"Did they not hear?" I thought. So I kick the door again, harder this time and that's when I came to the realization that no one is home. They probably went out looking for us even though I had texted them in the store that we were fine.

Bryanna started to move in my arms and her eyes fluttered open. My foot banging probably woke her up from her little faint.

"Luke? what happened?" She asked.

"Nothing princess, I need to put you down so I can open the door though." I said.

She nodded. I put her down and took out her car keys. I opened the door and I was right, they were gone and the little key bowl on the table that's behind the door was empty. I walked Bryanna to the living room and sat her down on the couch.

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked. Just because she did get slapped pretty hard and she fainted for a little. I was scared that she migth have a concussion but I know she wouldn't want to go to the hospital knowing they'll ask questions and that it wasn't that big of a deal to seek doctors help.

she nodded her head as a tear left her eye. I sat down next to her and held her close.

"It's okay babe, don't cry," I said " I'm here. I'm here."

She held me tighter as she cried in my chest. "Please don't tell them Luke please, please." She begged.

"I don't know about that baby. Maybe just skip?" I said.

She nodded. "Just him."

I got up and went into her grandparents room. They had told me and the boys before they left that there was a nurse aid bag or whatever they call it, in their bedroom just incase of an emergency. I got out this cream that Bryanna's grandma had used on Bryanna after the party for her brusing and it went away pretty fast. I also got out some pain pills from their bathroom.

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