Chapter 28

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-Bryanna's POV-

I woke up at five and put on some nike pro shorts, a sports bra and a thin jacket to go running. I put my long curly hair into a ponytail and threw a hat on top to keep my hairs from going in my face. I made sure to lay out clothes for Braidon, so when I get back I can give him a bath and get him ready for my aunt to come get him. I put his things in his bag leaving out his blanket that he sleeps with even though he wasn't holding it while spread out on my bed like a star. I know he likes to have it when he wakes up. I quickly walk down the stairs and grab my running shoes by the door, slipping them on. I start to walk to the kitchen to get a water when I see Macy.

"Morning." She says.

"Morning." I say grabbing my water out the fridge and writing on the white board on the fridge that I've gone for a run as usual. The boys know I go every morning but just to put their minds at ease after yesterday.

"Going for a run huh?" Macy says putting her dishes in the sink trying to start conversation.

"Yeah, looks like it." I say turning around and leaving the kitchen.

"Hey, Bry! Wait!" I turn around with my hand on the front door.

"Almost there." I say to myself.

"I want to apologize." She starts. "I'm sorry for what I did. You were my best friend and I did the worse thing anyone can do to someone they care about." She pauses stepping closer. "I know it sounds stupid, but it kinda just happened. We didn't mean for it to, but we were both in detention back home and we started talking about you actually and how you were gonna be upset at the both of us for being in detention for something that could've been avoided. We were just talking about you and how loving and caring you were to everyone, even if they did you wrong because you refuse to do the same and just some how we started talking about our pasts and the things you helped us through and then we started telling secrets and when Miss came back to dismiss us he offered me a drive home because it was raining." She pauses again looking at the floor in front of her. "We got to my house and it started to rain harder so I waited for it to calm down to get out. And then this song came on and we were looking at each other and I kissed him." She says as a tear fell.

"Listen Macy. You can save your tears." I say unfazed by her lack of trying to make me feel for her. "What you did is the out most hurtful thing. I never expected that from you. But I guess it's the people who are closest to you that hurt you the greatest huh?" I open the door about to walk out. "Look, I already forgave you. So just do me a favor and move on. I didn't want to hear about how it happened and I don't really care if you're crying about it because in all honesty, I was there for you for whatever you needed. You and Jax, without any questions. And you repay me with that. You deserve to feel guilty and shameful. But not at my cost." I put one foot out the door and one stayed inside the door way. "Just so you know. If he cheated on me to be with you, what makes you think he won't do the same when another girl catches his eye."

She lifts her head up and looks at me. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it and walks towards the stairs. I close the door and start to walk down the pathway to get to the sidewalk.

I leave my phone home when I run. I like to listen to the world around me instead of music. It brings me closer to the beautiful planet.

I run for a good thirty minutes and then come to the park. I sit down on the top of the hill and look over as the sun gets into its starting position. Oh how I missed this. The smell of the California air and the birds chirping with people doing their morning workouts as well. At the bottom of the hill there's a group of guys arriving at the basketball court. They all seem so little from the top of the hill but they can't be no more than 6 feet. Everyone is 6 feet compared to me though.

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