Chapter 14:

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Jack Gilinsky will be noticed as Jack and Jack Johnson will be noticed as J-J
-Luke's POV-
She used to what? I mentally asked myself. I've never seen the scars. Then again the guys knew so she must haven down it a long time ago. I looked at her in disbelief.

"You used to what?" Jai and I asked at the same time.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said in a low voice.

"Bry I think we need to talk-" I started but Jack cut me off.

"She said she doesn't want to talk about it." He said in a hush voice obviously no wanting Bry to get mad. He gave me a glare and looked towards Bryanna. She never liked arguing. She hated it even more when it was between friends.

Bryanna viciously wiped away tears that were on her face as the front door opened revealing Jax and Macy.

"That's Jax and Macy." Bryanna told the guys.

"I'm gonna beat his-" Cameron started.

"No don't. I'll do it. Just- just not now." Cameron chukled after she said that smiling big. She always did that when she had made someone laughed or they made her laugh really hard. She also snorted a little when someone tickled her. She hated it but we all loved it.

"Hey babe!" Jax said coming in the kitchen filled with 13 guys who were fuming. He walked over to her and tried to give her a kiss on the lips. She moved her face so that he kissed her cheek. "Is something wrong?" He asked putting his hands on a now standing Bryanna's hips. I had seen Bryanna clench her fists and I ushered my head towards Nash to tell him that her hands were like that. He noticed and touched her shoulder.

"Bry how about we go downstairs." Nash said grabbing her arm she yanked his hand away and looked at Jax then at Macy, then back at Jax.

"déjame CH- Let me change." She said starting off in Spanish.

She went pass Macy and knocked her shoulder into her. She then took off running up the stairs.

"What's up with her?" Macy asked. I looked at her in disgust as the others did. I walked away from the kitchen going upstairs to see how Bryanna was doing.

-Bryanna's POV-
I can't believe he just walked into the house like he hadn't down anything wrong. I now see how Macy and Jax act around each other. I was so oblivious to it before. I changed out of my clothes and put on my black and white Nike Pros with a sports bra.

"Hey Bry." Luke asked as I was tying my hair up in a high ponytail.

"Hey." I said to sad to say more than one word.

"You okay?" Luke asked. I broke down in tears right there falling into Luke's arms. The truth was. I wasn't okay. I was horrible. I've been wondering when I would just bump into Brandon and something will happen, I just found out that my "best friend" and boyfriend are secretly together, and the guys just found out that I used to cut. I know it doesn't solve anything. That's why I stopped I have control over it now. Just because my wrists itched. Doesn't mean anything.

"Bry don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." He said hugging me tighter. "He's not worth crying over." He said rubbing my back giving me shivers that went down my spine. Even when he looked at me with those big hazel eyes of his. That gave me shivers. I pulled away, a little embarrassed as I don't really cry in front of people. I cleaned myself up splashing water on my face.

"Can I ask you a question?" Luke asked. I smirked knowing he had set me up for one of my sassy comebacks that seemed to make Luke chuckle.

"You just did." I said in a raspy voice. My throat really hurt from all that yelling. He chuckled. Music to my ears.

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