Shizuo Heiwajima X Reader

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Hello my beautifuls!! Ladies n' Gentle cry babies!! This is second one shot of Shizu-chan!! *everyone claps*
So Enjoy remember to vote, comment, and request (don't be shy)!! This one shot (f/n) means friend, remember!! Anyways, Enjoy~

Love, Tory-chan~


You were walking around Ikebukuro trying to relax because your friend, (f/n) kept annoying you because she was teasing how you and Shizuo were FINALLY dating!! You were pissed at her for giving you a headache and wanted to beat the shit out of her but didn't, instead you were going to beat the shit out of someone else.

You heard a girl screaming for help, you ran into the alley where a group of guys were trying to butt rape the girl. You thought 'This will do, just fine..', so you grab trashcan that was there and threw it with force at the gang, that surrounded the poor girl. When they were on the ground you yelled at her to run and she did, but trouble for you, the gang got on their feet slowly then ran towards you, right when you put out a pipe to hit them with out of no where, but like always there was a special someone, right there to protect you.

"DON'T GET NEAR HER!!" Your hero punch the shit out of each one of them. 'He didn't need to yell it out tho..' you sweatdroped at your thoughts and at your hero. The weaklings (aka the gang) ended up passing out and beat up. Your 'savior' run up to you and brought you into a hug with gentleness and care. He pulled away slowly and looked into your (e/c) eyes.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" You saw him getting worry a bit.

"Shizuo, I'm fine, I can take care of myself." You said as you walked away from where the both were standing. He followed behind you.

"Hey! At least a 'thank you' would be enough for me!" He said starting to sound mad a bit. You stopped and turned around to walk up to him.

"Your right, thank you." You smiled and kiss his cheek gently while he was blush lightly. Then he looked around to see if anyone was watching you guys, 'Coast clear' he thought.

"Come here, you idiot." He put his arms around your waist while you put your arms around his neck, getting closer. Both of you guys lean in slowly while having your eyes close. You felt his lips connected with yours softly and caring. Both of you pulled slowly and look into each others eyes while smiling a little.

"I love you, chu dummy." You said in a low voice.

"I..." He couldn't say to you....AGAIN!!

"Say it, baka!!" Trying to encourage him.

" you too, (y/n)." You give him a peck on the lips while blush a light pink again.

"Come on, let's go out for Russia Sushi right now!" You smiled.

"Yeah ok-" When he was going to speak, he was cut off by so called 'flea'.

"Oh my, Shizu-chan!~ Did I interrupt something?~ (N/n)-chan I miss you!~ Be with me instead!~.... Oh wait you can't cause your stuck with him!" Izaya smirk at his sayings earning a middle finger from you and a pissed off bartender.

"(Y/n), go to my place right now and I'll met you there after I kill the flea" He whisper in your ear sounding really mad.

"You mean 'try' to kill him?" You smile a little.

"Don't push it." He said getting even more piss off. He ran off chasing Izaya with a street sign. You went to his place but first you went to your place so you can get extra clothes for tomorrow because knowing the bartender won't let you go back to your home. You walk up to his door and opening it with a spare key, he give you before. You went in while locking the door behind you and throw your bag of clothes in Shizuo's room then put on one of his white T-shirt, which is down to your mid thighs. When you were about to lay on the sofa, warm arms were wrap around your waist from behind you.

"You took a long time to come here, (y/n)~.." He whisper in your ear softly.

"Since when you stop chasing after Izaya?" Both of you lay down on couch, with you on top of him, with your legs on each side his hips.

"D-didn't want you waiting for me too much " H blushed a little.

"Aww, I love how you have such a cute side." He blushed even more

"Sh-shut up or I'll kick you out."

"You can't~" You said with a smirk. He signed almost sounding he was sad or something and hug you tight that is kinda hurt. "Hey, what got up your ass?" you asked trying to lose in up his grip, and wondering why he's acting like this toward you.

"I been thinking..." He tries to say it."Would you leave me for the flea?" He said sounding sad. So you laugh a bit but clear your throat a bit then smile.

"Your really funny for saying I'll leave you for Izaya! You know that's never happening, right?" You look into his eyes and smile even more.

"I know it's stupid but I'm never sure what will happen between you and I. Hey listen, sorry for asking that dumb question." You ended up forgiving his dumb/cuteness action.

Time pass by because the both of you guys were doing nothing but cuddling and give kisses to each other non-stop until you both fell asleep in each other's arm.


So sorry you guys for updating really late!! Comment something to make me feel better!! Anyways...THANK YOU FOR THE 200 AND SOMETHING READS!! I will update another Mikado by November 13, 2015, please be patient!!So please REQUEST, vote, and comment!! Thanks for reading!!

Love, Tory-chan~

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