Mizuki Akabayashi X Reader (Request)

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Need more love.

I'm sorry if it's lame but oh well. Thanks for reading.

The feeling of his arm around your waist, like it's the meaning behind the word safe. As you have your head on his chest, wondering how fucking lucky you are to get this close.


''I don't want to hear it.''

''Just leave Ikebukuro, there's nothing for you to do here.''

''You're wrong. You're here, and that is worth everything.''

''Stop saying that, you're only making this worse.''

''How exactly!?'' As you push yourself off of him, to look at him face to face.

''Because it's dangerous, and you know that.''

''What's dangerous is what's going to happen to me when we're apart...''


''I don't want to feel like that....ever again...''

He brought your head closer to him with a gentle hand, as you hear his heart beat through his chest. This shouldn't be happening, with his heart, he wishes there could another way for you to stay without him being worry about you when you get out the house, or being use as a pawn in some psycho's sick game, or getting involve with any stupid color gangs, or even when you're alone. The fact that you're not by his side drives him insane, you leaving this city is the best option there is for him, somewhere in a rural area.

It's crazy how the undying love you have, expand your ways, your limits only just to find him to keep away, there's no questioning whether or not he loves you, you know already right from the start since your teens that, that man loves you as you meant the world to him as him to you. But as a high ranking member of Awakusu-Kai, there are limits, and as his lover, you could be use against him, because he can't help it, as his greatest strength you are his weakness, hell shall pour down to whoever shall hurt you.


''Please don't.''

''I'm not ending this conversion until I get what I want. You.''


''Shut it and let me speak!'' You got up from the bed you both were laying down on. ''I love you god fucking dammit! I been searching you since ever, I still remember your younger reckless days, always eager to fucking fight then leaving a bloody mess! I was always told to stay away but I couldn't help myself but fall in love!'


''I've always loved you, even when you try to push me away but you couldn't because at that point I know you too, couldn't help but fall in love as well. And yet here we are together again, and you still keep pushing me away...just let love you...I know you want me to as well...Mizuki..''

Tears fell down your face, as it hit his weak spot, he always have hated seeing you cry like that. He pulled you back in the bed to keep holding you, as he place kisses on your forehead, knowing that he regrets making you feel this way. All the pain that you endure, but nevertheless it's part of the package when it comes to falling in love someone like him.

''You can stay...''


I know it's short but come on I'm trying to get dem requests in. IM REWATCHING EVERYTHING TO REFRESH MY MEMORIES, YOU'RE WELCOME!!




and request at your own stake


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