Shizuo Heiwajima X Strong!Reader (Request)

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Number one request!! Please be patient if I said yes to your request!! Anyways, enjoy!~

Love, Tory-chan~

People were afraid of you in Paris and you were sick of it and hurt from inside. You felt being in Paris was worthless because all you wanted was someone to love you and your supernatural strength, it's not your fault that you have super strength. Almost all girls at work would always made fun of you, you ended just getting piss off at them and yell at them but sometimes gets too out of the hand, you put the girls in hospital. Therefore, you moving away from Paris and moving in with your best friend that's in Ikebukuro, you were happy that your getting away from this awful place, and all you hope that you'll someone to love and care unlike Paris.

Right now your at a restaurant in Ikebukuro, named Russia Sushi and talking a guy that works there named Simon. He's very kind and sweet to you, even when you told him about your supernatural strength. He even said that was someone kinda like you and then it hit you, you want to meet this person and see if he actually have the same super strength like yours.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound that came from outside, quickly you ran out the doors to see what was that noise. You stopped in your tracks when you saw a street sign coming flying towards you, with both of your arms (good thing you left your stuff inside with Simon), you catch the street sign with your strength and hold it like a bat because right now you're about to kick someone's ass. You walk up to the scene with the street sign in hand and pissed off face, then stop in the middle of the crowd's circle.

"WHO THE IN FUCKING FLAMES OF HELL, TRY TO KILL ME!?!?!" You yelled in anger until a annoy voice was heard.

"Well, don't we have another monster in our peaceful city!~ Don't we, Shizuo?~" This guy looked at his left to so called Shizuo guy.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!?! YOU COULD KILL YOURSELF FOR CATCHING A FUCKING STREET SIGN!? YOU MUST BE IF YOU THINK YOU GOT THE STRENGTH!!!" You froze, 'Was this the guy that Simon was talking about?...', you thought to yourself but you realize he was yelling at you for your action were stupid.

"LOOK. WHO'S. FUCKING. TALKINGGG!!!!! In other words, yes, I do have fucking super strength!! Can't you fucking see or something!?!??" The bartender eyes went wide for a second and obverse you a bit, little did you know that he found you very interesting and beautiful for a very strong woman like you. You started to blush when you started to realize that this Shizuo was staring at you for a long while. 

"Hey!! Can you stop looking at me like that?!!?!" You yelled at him, while shake his head out of his thoughts then blush a bit when he JUST realize he WAS staring at you for a bit to long for anyone's likings. You got bored, so you drop the street sign and left him there, then went back to the restaurant for your stuff, after that you just left saying goodbye to Simon.

So here you are, in your friend's apartment, 'FINALLY, I CAN FRICKIN REST FROM ALL THAT WALKING', you thought to yourself but you spoke to soon, there was a knock on your door. "Ugh..., (f/n), go open the door to see who it is." You said sleepyish to her.

"Okay.." And with that said she got up and went to the, a few seconds she came."(y/n), there someone at the door for you, and nice job going for hottie like him~" She winked at you and left to her room and leaving you confused, either way you got up and went to the door, then open it to see the bartender from the street earlier.

"Oh, it's you, that one guy from earlier today." You said to him in plain voice. "So, what do you want?"

"I-I want to get to kn-know you better.." He while stuttering and blushing, you were taken by surprised by his reason and blush along with him.

"O-Oh okay then, when cause I'm trying to look for a new job since I will be living around here and I will be busy.." You said to him in shy voice.

"How about tomorrow around 2 in the afternoon? Would that be fine with you?" He suggested.

"Yeah sure, that would be great!" You told him in happy mood.

"Okay so, I'll be coming for you tomorrow." He was about walk away when you realize something.

"Wait!! How did you knew I was living here!?!?" You yelled a bit.

"I've followed you here..." He blushed.

"You just don't follow random people to their apartment!! What kinda person does that!?!"

"Me, now calm down and see you tomorrow."

Little did you knew, that a certain blond bartender was having a massive crush on you. After that event, you and him got closer and closer, yes there were times where you guys get mushy and adorable but the moment always ended by a person always interrupting between you guys. Either way, you both know that one day you'll be able to confess your feelings, this is what you always wanted in your life, someone to care and love about....


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