Katoda Kyohei X Shy!/Strong!Reader (Request!!)

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YAY ANOTHER REQUEST!! Thanks for requesting you guys, it actually makes me feel like I actually know what I'm doing in this one shot, makes me WANT TO CRY TEARS OF JOY!! *cries in the corner* don't look at meee!! SORRY IF I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING RIGHT FOR YOUR REQUEST!!Anyways, enjoy!~

Love, Tory-chan~

Today your sister, Erika, was taking you to met her friends since she only talks about them and you only met Katoda (who secretly has a crush on you), then again you were too shy to meet people, so maybe something bad will happen, you always think to yourself maybe they won't like you. But something inside you is saying that you'll have a great time while your with them. Right now, you on the phone with Erika, she trying to give you a ride when you keep telling it was okay.

"(N/N)!!! You sure that your gonna walk your way over here, because my friends and I can always give you a ride!!!" She tries to convince you to ride with her instead of walking alone.

"I-I will be fine, One-chan.." You said in your casual low voice. She sighed.

"Okay then but I will keeping my eyes on you, got that?" After that was said she hung up and a certain someone was worrying their aft off for you but you kept walking until you took a short cut through the ally but this gang went up to you, looked like high on their nipples.

"Hey there, what's a cute little girl like you, doing by herself?? Well if you don't mind, me and ma boys here would love to...have lots of fun with you" The guy and others came closer to you and being scared of them, you ran away from them, trying to head straight to where your older sister said would be waiting for you, you quickly took out your phone to dial her number. She quickly picked up the phone.

"Erika!!! This group of guys are chasing after me!! HELP!!"

"WHERE ARE YOU!?!" She screamed in worry and panicked while someone in the background was even more worry then Erika

"I'm nearby you in a ally!! Hurry up!!" You hung up on her and kept running from the group of gang who were catching up. You made a turned right into an ally but ended up being stuck at a dead end, then you thought to yourself 'Should I use them?? Do I have to? Guess I have no choice.....' you thought to yourself as you sighed as you the gang came closer to you, taking a breathe and letting it out, then putting on a bored emotionless face. You let your power go through your body, your full on eyes glow into a very bright white of light. The gang stopped in their track and looked into your eyes. You haven't notice that Katoda has arrived and staring at you in shocked, the gang started to get scared and started to run away but you wouldn't let them.

"I won't let you leave after this event, you pathetic peasants.." You said to them as you grab your beautiful and delicate looking knife, quickly you slice their arms and legs within your power, their cuts were big but not deep enough, your moves were so delicate and fast. You notice them on the floor and restore you secret inside you, you turn around to see the one and only, Katoda. You were scared of what he thinks of you, so scared that you started to cry and fell on your knees, sobbing quietly and frighten of what he going do now. But you were wrong, Kadota just hugged you tight and let cry on his shoulders, he pulled away and look at you in the eye.

"(Y/n), this must be hard for you to get through but for sure, I will always be there for you when you need help, but it seems to me you can handle yourself. I really do like, as in I have a crush on you, so from this day forward I will always be by your side, even if you want me to." His words have stole your heart right in moment, you both lean in while closing your eyes, connecting your lips together in melody. The kiss lasted a few seconds, then slowly pulling away.

"I-I-I like you too, Katoda.." The moment between was ruined by a piss off sister.

"KATODA!!! What are you doing to my little sister!?! Get your hands off of her!!! She isn't ready yet!!!" Erika yelled as she pull away you from Katoda then hug you very tight while you sweatdropped at her reaction to Katoda and you kissing for the first time, but she kept on nagging that you shouldn't be doing this things when your still young blah blah blah.

"Er-Erika, please stop, your grabbing attention..." You said in your usual shy voice when your overprotected sister looks at you, she smiled and pats your head.

"I might overreacted a bit, I mean I already knew Katoda likes you in that way, well go ahead be with your hubby!!" You pushed into Katoda, while you and him blushed, everyone else laugh at your reaction. You decided to ignore it and smiled at Katoda, he smiled back.

[ Time Skip, you get to know all of Erika's friends]

So here you are, eating at Russia Sushi, sitting next to Katoda. You started to feel more comfortable around them, you felt like yourself but still shy, they all thought you were very strong for a shy girl when you kick the gang's ass. They weren't even afraid of you because of your secret, they even said that your secret only stays in the now-your-part-of-the group. As in for you and Katoda, he said that he'll never leave your side, even if you have these powers, you thought it was sweet of them, from now and on your his shy little girlfriend.


Thanks so much for requesting guys, ILYSM!! Anyways, thanks for reading!!


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