Yandere! Protective! Shizuo Heiwajima X Reader (Request)

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Everybody and everybody, here ya go. Requested.
I'm trying my best to be as productive as I can. I know It was supposed to be Shy! Reader but then I realized the title and forgot oh well

''Please and thank you.''
- Ron Swanson

There is in your of point, just to change things up a bit, see if this is good for some. Thanks for reading.



 There was nothing wrong with killing in cold blood for the one you love, right? WRONG!!! How did I get in this situation I ask myself? Well it's a long fucking story, hold onto your butt holes or where ever you cringe the most.

Magical flashback, magical flashbacks

It's been weeks since I got this new job at an ice cream shop, so I thought it was to have regular costumers, but not this guy. This one guy that comes once or twice a week and orders his usual. Nothing wrong with that, but he always staring at me while I'm working, I don't mind at times because he leaves me a huge tip. It just gets weird the other times, he has this strange aura but who am I to judge right? The thing is he follows most of my social medias and tried messages me a few times but I never accepted, read, or even reply back.

''Excuse me, miss?'' There he goes again.

''Yes sir?''

''Can you please get me another scoop of ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip please."

"Uh..of course, right away." I went to get another cup and scoop of ice cream for, I past by my co-worker and I gave him a look, you know that look girl/boy. I approached the guy and placed it on the table, I took a bow, before I left he grabbed my hand and turned me towards him. I think I just got the chills....holy shit.

''Yes? Is there something wrong?'' 

''M-May I have your number?'' 

''Uhh....I don't know...I'm not the type of to give my number out..especially to costumers.''

''Please, don't be so embarrassed, I would like to take you out as a thank you for your service.'' This guy just won't stop bothering me. Such a nutcase.

''I rather not...I have to get back to work, and can you please let go of my hand?''

''I'll wait for you after you close the store.''

''I can handle taking myself to my home.''

An hour or so passed by, the guy was there, my friend already because he had a date anyways. Finally a few minutes he paid and left, I didn't get a chance to give him his change, so I kept it. UwU.  

Anyways I need to close because I'm tired and it's late, but at least I didn't have to worry about that creep. I turned off all the lights, made sure the ice cream and food were all put away, grabbed my backpack, locked the door and close the protection gate of course, then left walking. It's way past my shift, so I tried to speed walk to my place, I heard someone's step behind me, I quickly turned my head to see a peak, and to my fucking luck it's that fucking creep! I feel so violated and annoyed!! 

I groaned and walked even faster but this dumbass wants to keep up with me. 

''Excuse me, miss! Remember I said that I would walk you home!''

''Uhh yeah buddy! How do I put this...fuck off yeah!!'' I yelled at him.

 I started to run away as I can but I FUCKING GUESS THIS IS IN A TRACK or i'mfuckingslow. He grabbed me by the backpack and pulled me back, pinned me against the wall. I struggled to push him away but shit this guy is fucking heavy.

''Look here, princess! I've been patient with you through this whole thing!''

''There is no thing you're just fucked in the head!!! Now LEAVE ME ALONE FUCKER!!!'' I yelled and screamed as kicked as hard as I can. 

''I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME SWEETHE-'' I heard a loud noise and felt his shift towards me, he stopped mid sentence, I looked up to see him fly towards my right deeper in the alley. I looked straight ahead of me, an angry man with a post sign in his hands...I think I felt my heart stopped in a bad way. He ran towards the creep and just kept hitting him over...over...and over again....

He stopped after a few minutes, he stood there catching his breath, he turned around and looked at him, but just not with those angry and fierce eyes, they were more calming now. He walked towards me, I dropped down to my knees, he caught me so it didn't hurt as much, he cupped my cheek staining it with that fucking creep's blood...and softly peck my lips...

He carried me in his arms, along with the bloody post sign, and he took me to my place. He placed me on my feet.

''I should have came earlier to save you...''


''I brought you to your place, I thought you were prefer that than mine...it's still not ready for you yet..''


''Why what?''

''Well..well you killed that guy!!''

''He was harming you.''

''But I don't killing should be the idea of helping me!!''


''And who are you!?''

''...I thought you would recognize me by now, I'm a regular at the ice cream shop.'' He smiled...really just fucking smiled!

''Oh really!? Let me guess you like me too!!''


''Wait what? You don't? Oh thank Jesu-''

''I love you~''


''What's wrong? I thought it would attract you if I kill that little shit off.''

''....okay well uhh this is a dream I'm going inside to sleep byeee.'' Before I could get my keys out, he placed his hand on my shoulder, turned me around and well basically kissed me again, but as much as I knew this was wrong and I should pull back....but damn this fucker can kiss...

But when I have finally have the strengthen to push him gently, he looked into my eyes, in that cheesy nice way.

''Look, I don't even know your name and you just killed someone, literally for me!! Just let me think about this...''

''My name is Shizuo Heiwajima, I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you and not for one second I will stop loving as well as making you mine..and only mine...even if I have to get rid of other people...''

He smirked at he saw my face, I mean...do I even have a choice? Is it really okay for me to let him inside my little world or even near me...

''What if we get to know each other first then maybe we can go on a date, so friends for now?'' I held my hand out for him to shake, but he gently grabbed it and brought it up to his lips and kiss my hand.

''As long as I'm with you and you're with me, I don't mind being friends~'' He winked at me...and I liked it...

well another fucking tons of chapters for author i guess.

Did you guys liked that? Want more? Want less? Let me know in the comment!! Please be nice my dudes.

peace and love


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