Child!Mikado Ryugamine X Child!Reader (Request)

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Just going through with the old book. With the other stupid account. The picture is the closet I can fuckin fine.(Admin's fault, he provides the pictures for me sometimes.) Anyways I been looking through the comments for any request. Enjoy!


You holding your father's hand because he was walking you to school. You kept on being jump around a bit, because you were anxious to see your best friend. Both of your and his mother knew each other since high school, they talked about you both behind your backs about being you guys will be ending up dating by high school. Of course your father being overprotective rejects the idea while your mother gave him an irritated mark for crashing in her conversation between her and her best friend.

Anyways when you got there you saw him standing behind the gates looking all around for you, until he spotted you and the two of you ran towards each other. He pick you up and twirl you around as You giggling and hugging him tight.

"Kon'nichwa Kado-chan!!!" You gave cheeky as well he returned it.

"Ohayo, (n/n)-chan!" You waved goodbye to your father and hold small the black haired's hand while walking into your classroom starting the day of school. But it was quite interesting to see Mikado more happy than he seem.

{At Recess Time} (Or whatever the fuck you call it back then!| Admin: ''Nice keeping it child mode.")

You decided to draw with Mikado at the art section today for break. You started to draw a dog, then a cat, then a zebra, but half way to finishing your beautiful zebra, Mikado tugged at your shirt.

"Look, (Y/n). I drew a bunch of hearts for you!" He show you the drawing with his cheek turning a bit pink, your facial expression turning to amazed by all the colorful hearts he drew with your name in the middle. "I-I did for you, (Y-Y/n)."

"Arigato, Mikado." You revived the paper from him and put it neatly in your bag for safe keeping, while Mikado watch you with a small smile and blush.

{During Class}

He decided to hold your hand during story time, of course you didn't mind a thing such like that. But your hand started to sweaty so you have to tell him that.

"Ne, Mikado. My hand is starting to get sweaty from doing this."

"Oh, o-okay." He blush, as he let go.

[After school]

You were now waiting for your moms to come, since the best friends lives next to each other. You saw your mom with his mom walking on the side walks, you got up and ran towards them, you tackle your mom's legs in a hug. Then start talking about how your best friend drew you a nice drawing, while he whine to you to stop but you didn't. You all went home with you and Mikado in the front holding hands while the mothers fangirl and already planning your wedding.

Oh dear lord....


Thanks for reading.


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