The Hungry Monster

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The boogy monster that lives under my bed
Looks down at my with his large scaly head
As I sleep soundly on through the night
He stares at me hungrily-oh, what a sight
I hear a noise and wake up with a jolt
Like a lighten strike he suddenly bolts
Back under the bed away from my eyes
He stows away plotting my demise
Sitting up quickly I glance around
He deep rumbly breathing is the only sound
That reaches to the tips of my ears
And I know that my death finally nears
"Mr. Monster," I call from under the sheet
"I do not taste good; I'm a very bad treat."
"Please, oh, please," I hear him whine
"Do not eat me! I do not taste fine!"
"Eat you?" I questioned as I peeked over the bed
"But I thought it was you who wanted me dead?"
There was a moment of silence as the monster thought
The in a questioning voice, he cried out "What?"
I pulled back the covers and looked through the black
And saw two pairs of eyes staring right back
I flew like a kite
Back under with freight
Then out he crawled and came into view
"Mr. Monster," I said, "I wouldn't eat you."
"Why?" he said in a trembly voice
"Well, for starters," I answered, "There's a much better choice"
"A room filled with food right down the hall"
"From meat to cake-It's got it all!"
The monsters eyes light up with a gleam
Then I got an idea and I started to scheme
"Mr. Monster," I said, "Let's make a deal"
He listened closely as I made my appeal
"You won't eat me, and I won't eat you"
"Then each night, here's what we'll do"
"Right after Mom and Dad go to sleep"
"I'll open the door, and together we'll creep"
"Down the hall right to the refrigerator door"
"And I'll open it up where there's food galore!"
The monsters lips spread into a grin
And I leaped off the bed and said, "Let's begin."
I grabbed the monster by the hand and tiptoed out the room
He wasn't quiet at all, and the house shook with a boom
I turned around and held my finger up
To my lips, "Mom is sleeping. You've got to shut up"
The monster nodded without another word
And I let out a sigh, "I don't think she heard"
We continued silently toward our destination
With loud harsh breathes and hearts that were racin'
We hadn't yet arrived so I led him on
And pointed it out; now it's begun
I gripped the handle tightly
and pulled ever so slightly
As to not make a sound
So we wouldn't get found
I removed a few items
And the moment he spied 'em
The monster's body trembled
And his eyes sort of resembled
That of mine
When receiving a prize
The in one big bound
He gulped it all down
Then the monster let out a burp
I handed him a drink and gone it went: "Slurp"
But what I didn't hear
Were my parents moving near
Then my ears heard a voice
And I had to make a quick choice
But I didn't choose fast enough
And the voice let out a huff
"What are you doing?" it asked
I turned with a smile, and tried to mask
The monster, my friend
My mom lightly patted my rear end
She pulled me away, "It's way past midnight"
When I looked back, Mr. Monster was nowhere in sight
She rubbed my head
As she placed me in bed
And I tried to wait
But I couldn't stay awake
And the next morning when I awoke
I found a small scribbly note
I scratched my head
And silently read
"Thanks, for the food... and being my friend"
After that night, I never saw him again.... The End!

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