You'll Be Great: Conditions of a Fat Girl

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Charts plastered on white washed walls
A doctor who recommends me this book
You call me an addict
I call me broken
You say I'm too big
For my body
'Lose the weight
And you'll be great'
Print out magazines and pictures
Of men and women fit
and trim
Then turn the page, it's all a stage
Pastries, meats, chips and cheese
You tell me to 'try these recipes!'
How can you expect me
To get better as you say I need
When all around I find I see
Twenty commercials of my drug on TV
So instead of going for a walk
Which everyone seems to talk
It's the solution to my problem
I take four hour long baths
In hopes I may just drown
I'm not right I know deep down
That this thing
Lodged in my throat
Is not me
Or maybe it is
And perhaps being wrong
Is what I am
This weight is who I am
Not a soul looks at me
Where I feel as though
They've ever peered past my
excessive meat suit
Oh how those eyes
Make me detest my own skin
Make me wish to crawl free
But I cannot
For I am trapped within my mind
Of words you'll never understand
Kicked to the curb and beaten to dust
I lie surrounded by my only comfort
My only love
That which I cannot resist
The only thing that does not look at me
And see all my excess
I pile it onto my plate
Stuff it in my face
And swallow

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