vii. coffee

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"Michael! What the hell are you doing there? Having a date with your bed in your typical weekend routine?" Luke chuckles to himself while looking at his best friend, leaning on the door frame of Michael's dark room. It has always been fascinating to Luke's eyes, the walls made up of stones painted in a dark brownish black color, the furnitures only playing in black, white, red and dark brown colors as well. His grand bed is white, the comforters black. Sometimes when he gets paranoid he's thinking that Michael is some sort of a vampire or something, and who can blame him, because Michael's pale complexion and green eyes are out of this world.

Michael glances at Luke with a neutral expression, going back to typing away on his iPhone. The act makes Luke grunt and stomp his way towards the timid blonde.

"What the hell are you doing anyway? I see an imessage, who are you talking to?" Luke jumps on the inviting bed, trying to sneak glances at his phone but michael pushes him away every time.

"Do you know the word privacy, Lucas? Go away! What the hell do you want?" He whines, not wanting to put up with his shit.

"No, kind sir, my sincere apologies!" The other laughs at his lame answer but is able to snatch the phone from Michael when he was off guard. "Oh, who's this bassist with a heart emoji?"

"No one!" Michael retorts, making grabby hands for his phone. Luke ignores him and scrolls all the way up from the beginning.

Bassist: Mikey?

Michael: Calum? Is this you, princess?

Bassist: Yes! Are you on the way home with your two other friends? :)

Michael: Haha yep. They keep on teasing me about forgetting that i ditched my classes just for the fan meet! -__-

Bassist: Oh, really? Awh, Mikey!

Michael: But nvm that, babe, are you tired? You should rest. You just performed with the band.

Bassist: I am resting, we're just hanging out in the music room right now. *insert picture of a take out pizza box*

Michael: PIZZAAAA! Great, now I'm hungry :(

Bassist: *insert picture of Calum about to take a bite of the hawaiian pizza*

Michael: Tsk, stop making me jealous, cal. I like pizza way too much I swear huhuhu

Bassist: More than me? *puppy dog eyes*

Michael: Hmm, let me think about it..

Bassist: Meanie! :<

Michael: Hahaha just kidding. Nothing can beat you and your cuteness ;)

"Ooh! So that's why you've been hiding in your cave for days and never saw the light outside! You got a boy toy!" Luke laughs louder, jumping off of the bed to tell Mary who's chilling downstairs, but halts when he recognizes the face of the raven haired boy. He knows he saw it somewhere, he just can't remember where or how. He concentrates on the picture, but the phone vibrates and the scroll automatically goes down to show the latest message.

Bassist: Can we grab that coffee you're talking about today, Mikey? Pretty pweaseee?

"Oh! Boy toy just said that you guys should hang out today!" He stares at the screen with a grin.

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