x.i betrayal

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"Calum, where the hell are you right now?" Michael asks the second he answered the call. The boy on the other line scoffs and says "language, mikey!" But the blonde only ignores it. His voice is thick and laced with worry, which makes Calum's eyebrows raise in confusion.

What's happening, calum instantly thought to himself. He walks up to the glass window and sees Troye's reflection staring back at him, waiting for him to say something back to the caller. Him having an eyebrow raised so high got Troye all curious.

"Okay, I'm currently at the studio, what's wrong Mikey?" He answers in a soothing voice. "I'm at work."

"Ugh, dammit!" Michael slams a hand on the desk table and pushes himself away from it, hopping off of the swivel chair and ignoring the shouts and questions from the tech staff, and he couldn't care less whether he just left the room without goodbye to the senior tech vice president.

"Why? What's wrong mikey? Are you all right?!" Calum asks him worriedly, pressing the phone closer to his ear. He hears Michael's heavy breathing which worries him even more. "Mikey?!"

Michael bites his lips and his speed walk turns to a fast run. He speaks up in a serious tone, "I'm coming there, alright? Calum. Don't ever leave the studio you are in right now. Lock the door. I don't want anybody aside from the staff entering the room!"

"Wha- but why?" Calum turns around and looks at the staff members who are currently dealing with different papers on their laps. There's a huge pile on the table at the center, sorted out from fan letters to guesting proposals. He turns back to look out the window, observing the people down the size of ants. "They're all busy with work, what could possibly go wrong? What's happening? If you can only just tell me-"

"I-please! Calum, I need to protect you as an agent, heck- I-i want to be there with you and protect you but I'm fucking miles away from you right now it's killing me!" Michael rushes out and decides to go underground to get a car parked in there, which is usually only for emergencies. And this is totally an emergency, so he dashes towards a black sleek car, opens the door and swipes his identification card on the slot where a key hole should usually be. The engine starts and Michael puts the call on speaker. Having his card on the slot, the built-up screen hanging on the upper left of the car turns on and flashes his agent details, and Michael grimaces at his young agent icon on the screen.

"What? I dont understand, wait, where exactly are you mikey?" The younger boy shakes his head, but nonetheless strides towards the door and hesitantly locks it. The click makes the staff look up to him and ask why he locked the room.

Calum awkwardly smiles at them, ugh, how am I gonna explain it to them? Nobody knows michael is an agent that's acting like my bodyguard, he ponders for a moment.

Then he gets an idea."Oh, uh, my friend is coming here and I'd really like it if we can make it private later when he arrives.." He bites his lip. Damn he's such a bad liar.

But michael doesn't seem to think so. "That's believable enough, but I was in the headquarters and I'm four hours away, I'll make it short to two or three I don't know, just- just stay safe okay?" He pleas, pressing a few buttons on the touch screen and leans back on his seat once it starts doing what he commands.

The raven haired boy sighs and nods, "Kay. Drive safely, hm? I'll be waiting." He waits for Michael's okay before ending the call.

Once he turns around all eyes are set on him, and the smirk on the assistant manager's face makes his cheeks heat up.

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