xxiii. war

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I'm so sorry I didn't update last weekend. This time I won't make any promises. I was too busy sobbing over 20 years old calum, so.


Calum and the others followed michael and saw him crying and kicking and screaming at everything he can kick. The raven haired boy tried to calm him down, but michael wasn't backing down. He feels so disappointed at himself for not being able to protect her sister. Yes, there may be security in the rest house, but he's pretty sure Luke can get past that, and he'll even get Mary's consent to take her somewhere without her big brother's approval. He's so, so disappointed in himself.

"M-michael, we have to go!" Calum tugged him on, but that only made the now brown haired boy more annoyed and angry.

"Let me go!" He removed the celebrity's hand and glared at him, "You don't understand what I'm going through!" He spat and shut his eyes tight, hoping that this was all a dream.

That hurt calum.

"I DO! I FUCKING DO MICHAEL SO SHUT UP AND DON'T ACT LIKE A DOUCHE!" Calum screamed, angry tears welling in the sides of his eyes. "That's what happened to me when I found out that Mali was missing! So don't you dare, michael!"

Michael opened his teary eyes and became more upset that he's become so self-centered and ignorant to what calum's feeling. He walked towards calum to apologize, but a hand held his arm so tight that he winced.

"Treat him like that again and you will see the end of you," a tall brown haired girl who looks just like calum squinted her eyes at him, fingers digging into his pale skin that will surely leave a red mark.

Michael stared at her, not even needing a brief introduction to know who's standing in front of him.

"Mali-koa Hood." He muttered, looking at the similar pair of brown eyes that seem to always draw him in.

"There's no time for this! We should go!" Mali said, removing the earpiece he took from the agent he asked on the way about where calum went to. She heard all of what's currently happening from different agents speaking thru it.

When they all started running, michael remembered a helicopter somewhere near the place, and he looked back to mali and calum who are fairly keeping up with him. Five minutes already passed, so Alex and the others must have detonated the bomb. But lots of people are still running around in chaos to save themselves. The sound of gunshots are continuous, and it's such a disaster.

"C-calum, mali, you should flee and go to some place safe. I will take you to the field of the nearest university where our helicopters are located and they-"

"Don't even think about it, mikey!" Calum wiped his tears and ran straight to Michael's arms, hugging him tightly. "I-i won't leave you, okay? I will never! " He sobbed.

That almost made michael break down, but he knows that it's too risky. He's not going to take calum and mali to danger when they just reunited after years. He's not going to be the reason why they'll part again once more, by death or unconsciousness. No.

"But calum-"

He was interrupted when calum kissed him on the lips while holding both of his cheeks firmly. Calum poured out all his emotions to how he kissed the older boy. The kiss was very slow, passionate, and it was such a sad sight for mali to see. Why can't they just become a regular couple like all the normal human being in the world? Why do they have to suffer like this first? Why Calum and Michael?

Michael gripped calum's waist and broke the kiss, foreheads leaning on each other. They're both out of breaths from kissing so sensually, but both are feeling the love they have for each other. He got what calum wanted to say; that no one is going to leave the other and they'll always be together. The agent grinned, then chuckled at how cliché this all was. Calum smiled and pecked michael's lips once more.

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