xxiv. recovery

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I hear a familiar voice calling out my name, but i just can't seem to open my eyes to know who it is. Am I even awake? I feel like I'm floating in air, yet my body seems to have a mind of its own, believing that nothing will happen and that I will not fall so it stays still. My eyes remain closed even if i force it to open. It feels somewhat heavy, as if someone is covering them with their hands.

"Michael, we're sorry for leaving.."

I keep on hearing the soft and sweet voice that sounds familiar to me, but I can't remember where I heard it. It's a voice of a girl. Who is she? Where did I hear it before?

"You're on you way to a good life.. We're proud of you.. We love you so much.."

I feel someone caressing my cheeks in a loving way and the gesture made my heart ache and long for it so much. There was only one girl who would touch my cheek like that, and I would recognize it at first caress.

"Mom." I call out softly, afraid that someone else will hear my voice screaming for help and love if you carefully listen to it. "Mom, is this you?"

"Michael, my dear.." The voice keeps on calling me, and I just shut my eyes tighter even if it feels like it already is. I feel a cold touch on my forehead, like a kiss and I vividly remember how my mom used to do it like this whenever I feel extremely sad and helpless. When I miss them too much I would barge in to their office rooms and cry in front of them, telling my mom or dad what's truly on my mind because I couldn't keep the negative feelings to my self. I was sensitive back then, so young and naive, and when they left us I learned how to keep the feelings all to myself, to become strong enough to keep it, and to go on with life without needing affection from anyone but my sister.

And now, I have calum.

"You should wake up now.."

What? No! No. I will not leave you, mom and dad! I just got to have a good dream with you in it that's finally not a nightmare! I've been waiting for years!

"We love you Mary and Michael. Always remember that.."

My heart starts aching again and I feel my tears fall down my cheeks. I love you too, mom. Don't leave me just yet!

"We'll always be here for you, so open your eyes now.."

Her voice becomes distant and distant, and I can picture myself running towards the source of the voice. But I can't. I can't reach her no matter how fast I run.

"..for your important person."


"Mikey? Mikey!"

The agent woke up, with a few tears running down his cheeks. He squinted his eyes at the bright light of the hospital, suddenly feeling sore and pained all over his body. Calum held his hand tight and kissed it a few times.

"P-princess?" He said, weakly squeezing back his lover's hand. Calum nodded with relief because he found Michael tossing and turning in his sleep while crying silently.

"Yes, mikey. It's me, calum. Did you have a nightmare? Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly, gently wiping the tears on Michael's pale and bruised cheek.

Michael shook his head to get over his dream, giving calum a sad smile. "No, no I didn't.. I just dreamt of my parents and I guess I just got carried away in my dream."

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